List of Publications

Articles and Reviews

You can also read many of these published articles on this website or my faith-related blog at Grace Upon Grace.

Clare Bryden “The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin”, The Porch Magazine, 3 September 2024.

Clare Bryden “Good Money Week: how to set up a social enterprise”, Church Times, 29 September 2023.

Clare Bryden “Tax for good: Zacchaeus as social reformer”, Church Times, 30 September 2022.

Clare Bryden “Explore Prayer” a series in Exeter Cathedral magazine, 1 November 2021 to present.

Clare Bryden “Good money after bad”, Church Times, 1 October 2021.

Clare Bryden “Elsewhere”, in “Elsewhere: interpretations”, Studio 36, 28 June 2021.

Clare Bryden “What can I do about the Climate Emergency?” a series in Exeter Cathedral magazine, 1 November 2019 to 4 October 2020.

Clare Bryden “Label-free”, The Porch Magazine, May/June 2017.

Clare Bryden “Wiggle room in the universe”, Review of “Hope in the Dark” by Rebecca Solnit, The Porch Magazine, October 2016.

Clare Bryden “Particulart: the art of knitting, chemistry, and gentle protest”, Average Art Magazine, “What is Art?” issue, 1 December 2016.

Clare Bryden “Notes for a small island”, Church Times, 28 October 2016.

Clare Bryden “A hymn to bees”, Third Way Magazine, March 2016.

Clare Bryden “When the world acted for the good”, Church Times, 2 October 2015.

Clare Bryden “More tea? Yes, and do take your time”, Church Times, 11 September 2015.

Clare Bryden “Knitting and other revolutionary acts”, Third Way Magazine, May 2015.

Clare Bryden “Cultural highlights of 2014: The Bookshop in Wigtown, Scotland”, Third Way Magazine, February 2015.

Clare Bryden “What the frack?” Third Way Magazine, October 2014.

Clare Bryden “A Spirit of Our Time”, Resurgence Magazine online, September/October 2014.

Clare Bryden “Ethics on hold?” Third Way Magazine, November 2013.

Clare Bryden “How Place Shapes Prayer”, Reform Magazine, November 2013.

Clare Bryden “Far more than two’s company”, Church Times, 11 October 2013.

Clare Bryden “Blackberrying for beginners”, Resurgence Magazine, Sep/Oct 2013.

Clare Bryden “An appeal to inner values”, Church Times, 30 August 2013.

Clare Bryden Review of “Counter-Tourism: The Handbook” assembled by Crab Man, Third Way Magazine, June 2013.

Clare Bryden “Digging where we stand”, Third Way Magazine, June 2013.

Clare Bryden “As if people mattered, 40 years on”, Church Times, 24 May 2013.

Clare Bryden “Visit a mythical land – our own”, Review of “Mythogeography: A Guide to Walking Sideways” by Phil Smith, Reform Magazine, April 2013.

Clare Bryden “Peril of eating all the pie”, Review of “The Price of Inequality” by Joseph E. Stiglitz, Church Times, 12 October 2012.

Clare Bryden “It’s the equality, stupid”, Church Times, 30 July 2012.

Clare Bryden “A fresh way to share good ideas”, Church Times, Issue 7786, 8 June 2012.

Clare Bryden Review of “Sharing Possessions” by L.T.Johnson, Modern Believing, Volume 53:2, April 2012.

Clare Bryden “Listen intently and then get your hands dirty”, Church Times, Issue 7749, 23 September 2011.

Clare Bryden “Lessons on sustainable living, with the green monks [and nuns!] of Mucknell”, Guardian, Comment is Free: Belief, 15 September 2011.

Clare Redfern and Clare Bryden “Green, not grandiose”, Church Times, Issue 7693, 27 August 2010.

Commissioned Guest Blogs

You can also read many of these guest blog posts on my website.

Clare Bryden “Springs in the Desert”, Daily Reflections for Lent, ViaMedia.News, 4 April 2019.

Clare Bryden “Looking slant”, Science and Belief blog, Faraday Institute, 10 January 2019.

Clare Bryden “25 tips for ‘Travelling Light‘ in the run up to Christmas”, Discovering Prayer, Advent 2018.

Clare Bryden “Discovering Prayer”, Mucknell Abbey, August 2018.

Clare Bryden “What have taxes ever done for us?”, Season of Creation series, EcoChurch Southwest, 31 August 2017.

Clare Bryden “The art of knitting, chemistry, and gentle protest”, Power Culture blog, RegenSW, 28 July 2015.

Clare Bryden “Energy infrastructures inhabit our interior landscapes”, Power Culture blog, RegenSW, 26 July 2015.

Clare Bryden “Rainfall as blessing”, Lent Carbon Fast series, EcoChurch Southwest, 25 February 2015.

Clare Bryden “Where have we put our treasure?”, Bright Now blog, Operation Noah, 20 November 2014.

Clare Bryden “Climate Change, a new prophetic ministry for Anglican Religious?” Mucknell Abbey, March 2010.


You can read some of these published poems plus a number of translations of German-language poetry on my website.

Clare Bryden Haiku, Ink Sweat & Tears, Featured Poetry/Prose of the Day, 26 January 2025, online.

Clare Bryden “18”, text and audio, Wildfire Words, Open Submissions 7, January-February 2025, online.

Clare Bryden “Learning to float”, text and audio, Wildfire Words, Open Submissions 7, January-February 2025, online.

Clare Bryden “Made for your hands”, text and audio, Wildfire Words, Open Submissions 7, January-February 2025, online.

Clare Bryden “Writing on my hand”, Christian Century, Volume 142, Issue #1, January 2025 and stand-alone post, 9 December 2024, online.

Clare Bryden “Entwined”, Dawntreader, Indigo Dreams Publishing, Issue 69, Winter 2024/25.

Clare Bryden “And the darkness”, Time of Singing, Volume 51 Number 3, Winter 2024/25.

Clare Bryden Haiku, The Shadow Pond Journal, Issue IV, Winter 2024 and stand-alone post, 12 November 2024, online.

Claire Bryden (sic) “Four Haiku”, Time of Singing, Volume 51 “Intermezzo”, Fall 2024.

Clare Bryden “Think chair”, contribution to “Get On Board 39”, Studio 36, April-May 2024.

Clare Bryden “Highways agency”, The Cannon’s Mouth, Cannon Poets Quarterly, Issue 91, March 2024.

Clare Bryden “How do I like thee? Let me count the ways”, The Cannon’s Mouth, Cannon Poets Quarterly, Issue 91, March 2024.

Clare “Haikus”, Green Words Poetry Anthology, Exeter Cathedral, November 2023.

Clare Bryden “Presence”, Inspired by Creation competition commended, Earthing Faith, October 2010.

Claire Bryden (sic) “Waiting for the Fionnphort Bus”, Poetry Scotland, New Series No 64, Late Spring 2010.

Peer-reviewed Papers and Articles – Health

Papers and articles written as part of my work at the Met Office on health forecasting and anticipatory care, and accepted by peer-review for publication.

C. Bryden, W. Bird, H.A. Titley, D.M.G. Halpin, M.L. Levy. Stratification of COPD patients by previous admission for targeting of preventative care. Respiratory Medicine 2009;103:558-565.

J.Dawson, C.Weir, F.Wright, C.Bryden, S.Aslanyan, K.Lees, W.Bird, M.Walters. Associations between meteorological variables and acute stroke hospital admissions in the west of Scotland. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 2007;117(2):85-89.

Pulimood T, Corden J, Bryden C, Sharples L, Nasser S. Epidemic asthma and the role of the fungal mold Alternaria alternata. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2007 ;120(3):610-7.

Mark Levy and Clare Bryden. Thunderstorm asthma. Br Jour Prim Care Nursing (Respiratory), 2007;1(2):69-71.

Chris Jones, Barbara Stephens, Clare Bryden. Heat waves and heart failure: Dilemmas in advising patients. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing 2007;2(1):30-34.

Agnelo Fernandes, Susan Pache, William Bird, Clare Bryden. Measures to improve knowledge and self-care among patients with COPD: a UK general practice audit. Primary Care Respiratory Journal 2006;15(5):307-309.

William Bird, Tish Laing-Morton, Clare Bryden. Health Forecasting for COPD Patients: a new discipline to prevent emergency admissions. Airways J 2006;4(4):201-4.

Peer-reviewed Abstracts – Health

Abstracts written as part of my work at the Met Office on health forecasting and anticipatory care, and accepted by peer-review for conference posters or talks.

Levy M, Pagliari C, Bryden C, Pinnock H. Initial findings of a feasibility study into the use of automated calling for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Whitstable, Kent to inform the methodology of a randomised control trial. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Volume 177, Abstracts Issue, April 2008.

Bryden C, Marno P, Sachon P, McIver S, Laing-Morton T. COPD Health Forecasting and Anticipatory Care: a healthcare provider perspective. ERS Annual Congress, Stockholm, 15-19 September 2007.

Bryden C, Marno P, Sachon P, McIver S, Laing-Morton T. COPD Health Forecasting and Anticipatory Care: a patient perspective. ERS Annual Congress, Stockholm, 15-19 September 2007.

Sachon P, Lindman P, Jokinen T, Bryden C. COPD Health Forecasting: evaluation of automated direct-to-patient calls. GPIAG 2007 Conference, University of Keele, 22-23 June 2007.

Sachon P, Monem S, Sarah Thompson, Bryden C. COPD Health Forecasting: patients’ experience of direct automated calling. GPIAG 2007 Conference, University of Keele, 22-23 June 2007.

Chris Jones, Barbara Stephens, Clare Bryden. Heat waves and heart failure. 7th Annual Cardiovascular Nursing Spring Meeting, Manchester, 23-24 March 2007.

Bryden C, Bird W, Halpin DM, Levy ML. Seasonality in COPD emergency admissions to hospital, and predictability using surveillance for Influenza-Like Illness. British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2006, London, 6-8 December 2006. Programme and Abstracts S079. Thorax 2006;61 Suppl II: ii29.

Bryden C, Smith M, Sachon P, Laing-Morton T. Improved COPD management through a service combining Health Forecasting with Anticipatory Care. 7th International Conference of the International Network of Integrated Care and First Annual NHS Networks Conference, London, 29-30 November 2006.

Bryden C, Laing-Morton T, Gibbs M. The use of Influenza surveillance data to forecast risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease exacerbation resulting in hospitalization. Proceedings of the Health Protection Agency, Health Protection conference, University of Warwick, 11-13 September 2006. Abstracts: Oral presentations and posters, O124.

Laing-Morton T, Bryden C, Marno P, Gibbs M. Hypotheses regarding how the environment may influence the timing and geographical spread of influenza epidemics and pandemics. Proceedings of the Health Protection Agency, Health Protection conference, University of Warwick, 11-13 September 2006. Abstracts: Oral presentations and posters, O125.

Marno P, Watkin HA, Bryden C, Gibbs M. Forecasting COPD Winter Hospital Admissions to promote anticipatory care: a Met Office Health Forecasting framework. Proceedings of the European Respiratory Society, 16th ERS Annual Congress, Munich, 2-6 September 2006. ERJ 2006;28(S50):451s.

Marno P, Bryden C, Bird W, Watkin HA. How different measures of cold weather affect Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) hospital admissions in London. Proceedings of the European Respiratory Society, 16th ERS Annual Congress, Munich, 2-6 September 2006. ERJ 2006;28(S50):146s.

C Bryden, W Bird, D Halpin, M Levy. Stratification of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients by previous hospital admissions as a predictor for risk of future admission. COPD5 conference, Birmingham, 28-30 June 2006.

Bryden C, Bird W, Gibbs M. Improved COPD management through a service combining Health Forecasting with Anticipatory Care. COPD5 conference, Birmingham, 28-30 June 2006.

Bryden C, Bastian A, Laing-Morton T. Socio-economic indices as determinants of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) prevalence and admissions. COPD5 conference, Birmingham, 28-30 June 2006.

Bryden C, Bird W, Fernandes A, Pache S. The use of health forecasting in a UK general practice to target preventative care for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD5 conference, Birmingham, 28-30 June 2006.

Laing-Morton T, Marno P, Watkin HA, Bryden C. How different measures of cold weather affect Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) hospital admissions in London. COPD5 conference, Birmingham, 28-30 June 2006.

Bird W, Bryden C, Gibbs M. Improved COPD management through a service combining Health Forecasting with Anticipatory Care. Oral presentation at Faculty of Public Health Annual Scientific Meeting 2006.

Marno P, Bastian A, Bryden C. Socio-economic indices as determinants of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) prevalence and admissions. Proceedings of the Spatial Epidemiology Conference, Imperial College London 2006. pp.54-59.

Bird W, Bryden C, Fernandes A, Pache S. The use of health forecasting in a UK general practice to target preventative care for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society, ATS 2006 International Conference. Volume 3 Abstracts issue, April 2006, p.A120.

Bryden C, Bird W, Halpin D, Levy M. Stratification of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients by previous hospital admissions as a predictor for risk of future admission. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society, ATS 2006 International Conference. Volume 3 Abstracts issue, April 2006, p.A851.

Pulimood TB, Corden J, Bryden C, Nasser SM. Sensitivity to Alternaria alternata in grass pollen sensitive asthmatics is an important factor in thunderstorm outbreaks of asthma. Programme and abstracts, British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2005. Thorax 2005;60(Suppl II).

Published Reports – Weather Forecasting

Reports written as part of my research at the Met Office into site-specific weather forecasting.

Bryden, C: Objective verification of the SSFM coupled with MOSES II and the non-local BL mixing scheme, Forecasting Research Technical Report No.398, The Met Office, January 2003.

Bryden, C: The Feasibility of an Ensemble Low Cloud Prediction System, Forecasting Research Technical Report No.361, The Met Office, August 2001.

Peer-reviewed Paper – Economics

Paper written as part of my work at Cambridge Econometrics on achieving climate targets through fiscal policy, and accepted by peer-review for publication.

Barker, Terry, Susan Baylis and Clare Bryden. ‘Achieving the Rio Target: CO2 Abatement through Fiscal Policy in the UK’, Fiscal Studies, vol.15, no.3, pp.1-18, 1994.

Published Reports – Economics

Reports written as part of my energy-environment-economy consultancy work at Cambridge Econometrics.

Claire Alger, Terry Barker, Susan Baylis, Laura Beckwith, Clare Bryden, Keith Dixon, Ben Gardiner, Chao-Dong Huang, Richard Lewney, Matthew Ward, and Hitoshi Hayami (2000) “Energy Balance Simulations to 2010 for China and Japan”, JBIC Research Paper No.6, Research Institute for Development and Finance, Japan Bank for International Cooperation.

The 20% Solution: Meeting the Government’s Targets on Climate Change, by Paul Ekins, Cathy Hough and Andrew Russell of Forum for the Future, and Clare Bryden and Charlie Hargreaves of Cambridge Econometrics, BWEA Policy Briefing PB4/99, November 1999.

Clare Bryden and Charlie Hargreaves: Solar Millennium: a Renewables and Energy Efficiency Development Initiative for the UK, Cambridge Econometrics, Technical Report TR4/99, November 1999.

Bryden, Clare, Nick Johnstone and Charlie Hargreaves: ‘The Integration of a Bottom-Up Model of the Electricity Supply Industry with a Top-Down Model of the Economy in the UK’, in Laroui and van Leeuwen (eds) Top-Down or Bottom-Up Modelling: an application to CO2 abatement, Foundation for Economic Research, University of Amsterdam, 1995.