New ventures into poetry

Since early December last year, I’ve had something of a bout of reading and writing poetry. Alongside a haiku a day in January, which continued sporadically into February, I’ve been experimenting with various different forms, from shorter and longer blank verse to terza rima sonnet and prose poems.

I thought I’d test the water a bit, and try sending some out for publication while keeping the stakes low. So I’m delighted that The Cannon’s Mouth picked up a couple for their March edition. “Highways agency” derived from variable messages overhead as I drove home down the M5, and “How do I like thee? Let me count the ways” was inspired by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Facebook. (Published here after waiting an appropriate number of months.)

By the way, note that by ‘delighted’ I mean that my response to the magazine dropping through my front door was a quiet ‘well well well’ and a satisfied inner glow.