Welcome to my new blog

My previous blog from alongside Mucknell Abbey is still available. That was about things that I observed and things that interested me. This will probably also be about things that interest me, but related to my ponderings on where next… research? consultancy? kitchen gardening? writing? web design? As one of the children in the film Africa United said: the world is my ostrich. So at the moment, I am reading lots of random stuff and seeing what sparks interest and ideas.

1 thought on “Welcome to my new blog”

  1. Hello Clare, take it that you are now no longer resident at Mucknell Abbey, as I missed your name on their website. Will you be returning there? I just want to thank you for all the blogs about your life with the community, which I have found very interesting. Also, again many thanks for all the wonderful photographs that you took at our OCist profession last month. With every best wish, Geoff

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