Posts by category
- Category: Artist
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” used in climate training
- “#NoticingNature”
- “Living the questions” again in 2023/24
- “2x2xAI”
- “Climate Blocks” for “Get On Board 16”
- “1×1”
- “Paper Promises” for “Moths to a Flame”
- “Elsewhere” in a Studio 36 publication
- “Live the questions now” 2020/21
- #DIYLent #poetry #light #prayer
- “Live the questions now” 2019/20
- Experimenting for “Moths to a Flame”
- Fracted / Emerging
- Nodding donkeys
- “2×2”
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” at the ExIST STEAMM Show
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” is STEAMMing ahead
- “The lady’s not for Turnip” by Victoria Cindy Feet
- “Climate Questing in Minecraft”
- UK Climate Projections 2018 in Lego
- A show and Lego
- Migration can kill
- Building community in St Loyes
- “Listening to Silent Spring” at Mikrofest
- “Angel of the SW”
- Community Star Gazing
- “Looking slant” for Science and Belief blog
- “Live the questions now: control, connectedness and making conceptual art”
- 23 or so ideas for place-based activities in communities
- “This world is not conclusion”
- “Star Spangled Kyrangle: Winter Star Lore”
- “Elsewhere”
- “The Art of Following Your Nose” at PechaKucha Dartmoor
- The horrible histories and additional alliterations of St Loyes
- “Turn IP” by The Swede
- “Listening to Silent Spring” audio
- “Q is for Quarries”
- Are you TiCL-ish?!
- “The Birds of Sowton Industrial Estate”
- “Star Spangled Kyrangle: Perseids Shooting Stars”
- Q-Day!
- “Heavitree Stone Regular”
- I made a trail!
- Warwick Road mock-up
- “See Exeter by Minecraft” at the AWEsome Art Fair
- “Minecraft my home” meetup during Art Week Exeter
- Art Work
- Minecraft my home
- We made a font!
- “Minecraft my home”
- D-Tour
- “What three words…?”
- Building with the Quarry Pod
- Playing with Exeter City Futures
- What are the places that mean something to you?
- Launch of “Working with Gold” website
- Update on the Art Vending Machine
- Rejection letters
- “Working with Gold” in Digby News
- “Ceci n’est pas une neep” by Meg Reet
- Roll up! Roll up to the Art Vending Machine!
- Review of “Green|Blue” on Phonic FM “Culture & Review” show
- “Patterns”: a Studio 36 production
- Exeter City Council grant for “Working with Gold”
- “Working with Gold” design
- Grieving the future
- Regeneration with Lynn Bailey
- Northbrook mouth to source
- Working with gold, weaving with data – talk content
- Working with gold, weaving with data
- What does it mean to be Artist in Residence, literally in residence?
- “Green|Blue” featured in the Church Times round-up of Greenbelt
- “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- “Patterns” at St Sidwells
- Clare and Rosie go for a wander
- Digby Community Association are supporting “Working with Gold”
- “Green|Blue” to show at Greenbelt
- Laying foundations with the Quarry Pod
- #ExeterClimateHope at “Think…Art”
- “Green|Blue: Future Shock” video at Fringe Arts Bath
- “Green|Blue: Exe” in “The Observatory” exhibition
- Selected work at “Makers of the Multiverse”
- “Green|Blue” in Exeter Cathedral
- Hanging “Green|Blue” in the Chapter House
- Private Viewing at Exeter Cathedral
- “Green|Blue: Exe” at the AWEsome Art Fair
- Clare’s Open Studio
- Talk on “Green|Blue” at Pint of Science
- “Songs in the Neighbourhood”
- Coming soon… Art Week Exeter… eek!
- “Green|Blue” selected to show at Exeter University
- “Green|Blue” in the Dartington Garden Room Gallery
- “Little colouring books” in the “Kuuki” exhibition
- “Green|Blue” in the “Primordial Soup” exhibition
- Hanging “Green|Blue” at Dartington Hall
- Private viewing at Dartington
- “Green|Blue” coming to Exeter Cathedral
- “Green|Blue” to show at Dartington Hall
- “Little colouring books” and “Freefall Climate Graffiti” featured in Green Christian magazine
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Artist Toys” exhibition
- “Particulart” in the Average Art Magazine
- What is Art?
- Kaleider Lunchtime Talk on “Green|Blue”
- World Origami Day
- “That’s a Turnip for the Books?!”
- “Ghost Bees” in the “Dark Art” exhibition
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at the Fun Palace
- The Dark Arts
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Toying With Art” exhibition
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Greenbelt
- PechaKucha on “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- Five “Little colouring books” went to market!
- Knit your own bee
- “Ghost Bees” at Teignmouth Recycled Art in the Landscape
- For sale
- “Particulart: Exhausted” at Oxford Festival of Arts
- “Particulart: Greenhouse Effect” at Low Carbon Oxford Week
- “Particulart” goes to Oxfordshire part 2
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” in Reconnect magazine
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” in Exeter Life
- Hitting the TRAIL
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” at Exeter Phoenix
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” in The Exeter Daily
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti”: Spraying the Wall
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” in the Express and Echo
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 3: Making the Stencils and Skills Sharing
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 2: Preparing the Wall
- “Particulart” goes to Oxfordshire part 1
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 1: Climate Science and Street Art
- Story of “Free Art Friday Exeter”
- God’s eye view
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at TEDxExeter
- Press Release – “Freefall Youth Group to graffiti Phoenix with climate message during Art Week Exeter”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at WAM Fest
- Raffle for refugees
- What if the “Little colouring books” were really big?
- New work: “Little colouring books”
- “Something Wonderful in My Back Yard”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up in Exeter Cathedral
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” video in Exeter Cathedral
- Talk – “Particulart” at Abingdon Carbon Cutters
- “Particulart” in the Oxford Mail
- Who has the wisdom?
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Relight My Fire
- “Particulart: Ozone Day”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Exeter Green Fair
- PechaKucha on “Particulart” at Greenbelt
- A new initiative: “Free Art Friday” comes to Exeter
- Knit-your-own chemistry
- “Particulart” in Chemistry World
- “The art of knitting, chemistry, and gentle protest” for Power Culture blog
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” in the Glorious Art House
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” in the Express and Echo
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” featured on the Glorious Gallery blog
- Knit-your-own carbon dioxide workshop
- Press Release – “Knitting exhibition shows climate change to be ‘Up in the Air’”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” opens on 11 July!
- “Touch:Triptych” in the Exeter Community Centre Summer Exhibition
- Talk on “Particulart” at Pint of Science
- “Knitting and other revolutionary acts”
- “Particulart 3” is go!
- “Particulart: A Stitch in Time” in Bristol Cathedral
- Taking the Long View: Climate change and knitting
- “Particulart” participating in Lent Carbon Fast
- Lecture – “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- “Particulart” in the Real Food café
- “Particulart” prolonged
- “Particulart” emitted!
- “Particulart” in the Express and Echo
- Press Release – “Campaigners’ knitting exhibition reveals incinerator is not a woolly issue”
- “Particulart” launching soon
- Blackberrying for beginners
- “A Suburban Serenade”
- “I have a dream” … for Exeter Bus Station!
- A lane of two halves: one year on
- Pilgrim at the Northbrook
- Buy this
- Municipal-planting-rowan jelly
- Autumn audit
- Silent Spring
- Richard Long woz ‘ere
- Hanging out in Ludwell
- Woodwater plants
- Smash and grab
- The not-knowing
- Olympic mythogeography
- Summer fruits
- Stone of St Loyes Chapel
- Heavitree quarries
- Quarry Lane
- St Loyes Chapel
- Maps
- Woodwater by night
- In the ‘burbs
- Woodwater wander
- From wood to water
- Ludwell life
- “My soul has taken flight”
- “Listening to Silent Spring” (2018-19)
- “Working with Gold: Art in St Loyes” (2013,17-19)
- “Green|Blue” (2016-17)
- “Ghost Bees” (2016)
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” (2016)
- “Little colouring books of climate mindfulness” (2016-17)
- The Turnip Prize (2016-19)
- “The internet is my gallery” (2015-23)
- “Free Art Friday Exeter” (2015-18)
- “Soul Cube” (2015)
- “Particulart” (2014-16)
- “Touch:Triptych” (2013)
- Category: Free Art Friday Exeter
- Category: Freefall Climate Graffiti
- “Little colouring books” and “Freefall Climate Graffiti” featured in Green Christian magazine
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” in Reconnect magazine
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” in Exeter Life
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” at Exeter Phoenix
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” in The Exeter Daily
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti”: Spraying the Wall
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” in the Express and Echo
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 3: Making the Stencils and Skills Sharing
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 2: Preparing the Wall
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 1: Climate Science and Street Art
- Press Release – “Freefall Youth Group to graffiti Phoenix with climate message during Art Week Exeter”
- What if the “Little colouring books” were really big?
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” (2016)
- Category: Ghost Bees
- Category: Green|Blue
- “Looking slant” for Science and Belief blog
- “Live the questions now: control, connectedness and making conceptual art”
- “The Art of Following Your Nose” at PechaKucha Dartmoor
- Art Work
- Update on the Art Vending Machine
- Roll up! Roll up to the Art Vending Machine!
- Review of “Green|Blue” on Phonic FM “Culture & Review” show
- Grieving the future
- “Green|Blue” featured in the Church Times round-up of Greenbelt
- “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- “Patterns” at St Sidwells
- “Green|Blue” to show at Greenbelt
- “Green|Blue: Future Shock” video at Fringe Arts Bath
- “Green|Blue: Exe” in “The Observatory” exhibition
- Selected work at “Makers of the Multiverse”
- “Green|Blue” in Exeter Cathedral
- Hanging “Green|Blue” in the Chapter House
- Private Viewing at Exeter Cathedral
- “Green|Blue: Exe” at the AWEsome Art Fair
- Clare’s Open Studio
- Talk on “Green|Blue” at Pint of Science
- Coming soon… Art Week Exeter… eek!
- “Green|Blue” selected to show at Exeter University
- “Green|Blue” in the Dartington Garden Room Gallery
- “Green|Blue” in the “Primordial Soup” exhibition
- Hanging “Green|Blue” at Dartington Hall
- Private viewing at Dartington
- “Green|Blue” coming to Exeter Cathedral
- “Green|Blue” to show at Dartington Hall
- Kaleider Lunchtime Talk on “Green|Blue”
- PechaKucha on “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- For sale
- God’s eye view
- “Green|Blue” (2016-17)
- Category: Listening to Silent Spring
- Category: Little colouring books
- UK Climate Projections 2018 in Lego
- A show and Lego
- Grieving the future
- #ExeterClimateHope at “Think…Art”
- Selected work at “Makers of the Multiverse”
- Clare’s Open Studio
- Talk on “Green|Blue” at Pint of Science
- Coming soon… Art Week Exeter… eek!
- “Little colouring books” in the “Kuuki” exhibition
- “Little colouring books” and “Freefall Climate Graffiti” featured in Green Christian magazine
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Artist Toys” exhibition
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Toying With Art” exhibition
- Five “Little colouring books” went to market!
- For sale
- What if the “Little colouring books” were really big?
- New work: “Little colouring books”
- “Little colouring books of climate mindfulness” (2016-17)
- Category: Particulart
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” used in climate training
- “Patterns”: a Studio 36 production
- “Patterns” at St Sidwells
- Clare’s Open Studio
- “Particulart” in the Average Art Magazine
- What is Art?
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at the Fun Palace
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Greenbelt
- “Particulart: Exhausted” at Oxford Festival of Arts
- “Particulart: Greenhouse Effect” at Low Carbon Oxford Week
- “Particulart” goes to Oxfordshire part 2
- “Particulart” goes to Oxfordshire part 1
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at TEDxExeter
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at WAM Fest
- Raffle for refugees
- “Something Wonderful in My Back Yard”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up in Exeter Cathedral
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” video in Exeter Cathedral
- Talk – “Particulart” at Abingdon Carbon Cutters
- “Particulart” in the Oxford Mail
- Who has the wisdom?
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Relight My Fire
- “Particulart: Ozone Day”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Exeter Green Fair
- PechaKucha on “Particulart” at Greenbelt
- A new initiative: “Free Art Friday” comes to Exeter
- Knit-your-own chemistry
- “Particulart” in Chemistry World
- “The art of knitting, chemistry, and gentle protest” for Power Culture blog
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” in the Glorious Art House
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” in the Express and Echo
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” featured on the Glorious Gallery blog
- Knit-your-own carbon dioxide workshop
- Press Release – “Knitting exhibition shows climate change to be ‘Up in the Air’”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” opens on 11 July!
- Talk on “Particulart” at Pint of Science
- “Knitting and other revolutionary acts”
- “Particulart 3” is go!
- “Particulart: A Stitch in Time” in Bristol Cathedral
- Taking the Long View: Climate change and knitting
- “Particulart” participating in Lent Carbon Fast
- Lecture – “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- “Particulart” in the Real Food café
- “Particulart” prolonged
- “Particulart” emitted!
- “Particulart” in the Express and Echo
- Press Release – “Campaigners’ knitting exhibition reveals incinerator is not a woolly issue”
- “Particulart” launching soon
- “Particulart” (2014-16)
- Category: Project
- “Listening to Silent Spring” (2018-19)
- “Working with Gold: Art in St Loyes” (2013,17-19)
- “Green|Blue” (2016-17)
- “Ghost Bees” (2016)
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” (2016)
- “Little colouring books of climate mindfulness” (2016-17)
- The Turnip Prize (2016-19)
- “The internet is my gallery” (2015-23)
- “Free Art Friday Exeter” (2015-18)
- “Soul Cube” (2015)
- “Particulart” (2014-16)
- “Touch:Triptych” (2013)
- Category: Soul Cube
- Category: The internet is my gallery
- “#NoticingNature”
- “2x2xAI”
- “1×1”
- “Elsewhere” in a Studio 36 publication
- Fracted / Emerging
- “2×2”
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” at the ExIST STEAMM Show
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” is STEAMMing ahead
- “Climate Questing in Minecraft”
- “Angel of the SW”
- “This world is not conclusion”
- “Elsewhere”
- “Listening to Silent Spring” audio
- “Q is for Quarries”
- “Heavitree Stone Regular”
- “Minecraft my home”
- “What three words…?”
- “Particulart: Ozone Day”
- “My soul has taken flight”
- “The internet is my gallery” (2015-23)
- Category: Touch:Triptych
- Category: Turnip Prize
- Category: Working with Gold
- “Elsewhere” in a Studio 36 publication
- Migration can kill
- Building community in St Loyes
- “Angel of the SW”
- Community Star Gazing
- 23 or so ideas for place-based activities in communities
- “Star Spangled Kyrangle: Winter Star Lore”
- “Elsewhere”
- The horrible histories and additional alliterations of St Loyes
- “Listening to Silent Spring” audio
- “Q is for Quarries”
- Are you TiCL-ish?!
- “The Birds of Sowton Industrial Estate”
- “Star Spangled Kyrangle: Perseids Shooting Stars”
- Q-Day!
- “Heavitree Stone Regular”
- I made a trail!
- Warwick Road mock-up
- “See Exeter by Minecraft” at the AWEsome Art Fair
- “Minecraft my home” meetup during Art Week Exeter
- Art Work
- Minecraft my home
- We made a font!
- “Minecraft my home”
- D-Tour
- “What three words…?”
- Building with the Quarry Pod
- Playing with Exeter City Futures
- What are the places that mean something to you?
- Launch of “Working with Gold” website
- Rejection letters
- “Working with Gold” in Digby News
- Exeter City Council grant for “Working with Gold”
- “Working with Gold” design
- Regeneration with Lynn Bailey
- Northbrook mouth to source
- Working with gold, weaving with data – talk content
- Working with gold, weaving with data
- What does it mean to be Artist in Residence, literally in residence?
- Clare and Rosie go for a wander
- Digby Community Association are supporting “Working with Gold”
- Laying foundations with the Quarry Pod
- Clare’s Open Studio
- “Songs in the Neighbourhood”
- Coming soon… Art Week Exeter… eek!
- Blackberrying for beginners
- “A Suburban Serenade”
- “I have a dream” … for Exeter Bus Station!
- A lane of two halves: one year on
- Pilgrim at the Northbrook
- Buy this
- Municipal-planting-rowan jelly
- Autumn audit
- Richard Long woz ‘ere
- Hanging out in Ludwell
- Woodwater plants
- Smash and grab
- The not-knowing
- Olympic mythogeography
- Summer fruits
- Stone of St Loyes Chapel
- Heavitree quarries
- Quarry Lane
- St Loyes Chapel
- Maps
- Woodwater by night
- In the ‘burbs
- Woodwater wander
- From wood to water
- Ludwell life
- “Working with Gold: Art in St Loyes” (2013,17-19)
- Category: Grace
- “Exploring Prayer”, a series
- “Dramatised Mark” in Exeter Cathedral
- “Compline: A celebration of Ascension” in St Olave’s Church
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Olave’s Church
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Olave’s Church
- 15 minutes of flame
- Let us Prayerdle
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Martin’s Church
- Reading to know we are not alone, part 2
- Category: News
- Buses come in threes
- Notes to self
- The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin
- New ventures into poetry
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” used in climate training
- “Living the questions” again in 2023/24
- 15 minutes of flame
- Let us Prayerdle
- New blog on prayer and spiritual life
- Almost one year…
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” is STEAMMing ahead
- UK Climate Projections 2018 in Lego
- A show and Lego
- Having some time out
- Building community in St Loyes
- Pitch Me!
- Community Star Gazing
- 23 or so ideas for place-based activities in communities
- Are you TiCL-ish?!
- Q-Day!
- I made a trail!
- Warwick Road mock-up
- Art Work
- Minecraft my home
- We made a font!
- Building with the Quarry Pod
- Playing with Exeter City Futures
- Launch of “Working with Gold” website
- Update on the Art Vending Machine
- Rejection letters
- Review of “Green|Blue” on Phonic FM “Culture & Review” show
- Exeter City Council grant for “Working with Gold”
- Regeneration with Lynn Bailey
- “Green|Blue” featured in the Church Times round-up of Greenbelt
- “Patterns” at St Sidwells
- Digby Community Association are supporting “Working with Gold”
- Recording “The Way of Love”
- “Green|Blue” to show at Greenbelt
- Laying foundations with the Quarry Pod
- Hanging “Green|Blue” in the Chapter House
- Private Viewing at Exeter Cathedral
- Coming soon… Art Week Exeter… eek!
- “Green|Blue” selected to show at Exeter University
- “Green|Blue” in the “Primordial Soup” exhibition
- Hanging “Green|Blue” at Dartington Hall
- Private viewing at Dartington
- “Green|Blue” coming to Exeter Cathedral
- “Green|Blue” to show at Dartington Hall
- “Little colouring books” and “Freefall Climate Graffiti” featured in Green Christian magazine
- “Particulart” in the Average Art Magazine
- “One Fish, Two Fish, RGB Fish”
- Graphical Web
- The Porch Magazine
- The Dark Arts
- Five “Little colouring books” went to market!
- Knit your own bee
- For sale
- “Particulart” goes to Oxfordshire part 2
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” in Reconnect magazine
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” in Exeter Life
- Hitting the TRAIL
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” in The Exeter Daily
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” in the Express and Echo
- “Particulart” goes to Oxfordshire part 1
- Press Release – “Freefall Youth Group to graffiti Phoenix with climate message during Art Week Exeter”
- Raffle for refugees
- What if the “Little colouring books” were really big?
- New work: “Little colouring books”
- “Something Wonderful in My Back Yard”
- “Particulart” in the Oxford Mail
- A new initiative: “Free Art Friday” comes to Exeter
- Knit-your-own chemistry
- “Particulart” in Chemistry World
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” in the Express and Echo
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” featured on the Glorious Gallery blog
- Press Release – “Knitting exhibition shows climate change to be ‘Up in the Air’”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” opens on 11 July!
- “Particulart 3” is go!
- “Particulart” participating in Lent Carbon Fast
- “Particulart” prolonged
- “Particulart” emitted!
- “Particulart” in the Express and Echo
- Press Release – “Campaigners’ knitting exhibition reveals incinerator is not a woolly issue”
- “Particulart” launching soon
- Category: Quote
- Wendell Berry
- Mark Oakley
- Dorothy Day
- Max Ehrmann
- Sheenagh Pugh
- Howard Thurman
- Dorothy Day
- Gerard Manley Hopkins
- Colette
- Richard Wentworth
- Krista Tippett
- Bishop Michael Curry
- Dolly Parton
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ
- Sir Francis Drake
- Theresa Bayer
- Oliver Burkeman
- Doris Lessing
- Nelson Mandela
- Julia Cameron
- William Gibson
- Arundhati Roy
- Colum McCann
- Emily Dickinson
- Ian Adams
- Thomas Merton
- Wendy Cope
- George Bernard Shaw
- June Jordan
- Wendell Berry
- Emily Dickinson
- Richard Skinner
- Nayyirah Waheed
- Franz Kafka
- Nayyirah Waheed
- Walter Wink
- Marianne Williamson
- Meister Eckhart
- Mona Siddiqui
- William Blake
- Douglas Carlton Abrams
- Idown Koyenikan
- Carol Ann Duffy
- Vanessa Kisuule
- Henry Ford
- Kathryn Schulz
- Søren Kierkegaard
- Kathryn Schulz
- Robin Houghton
- Donald Woods Winnicott
- Helen Suzman
- Meister Eckhart
- Henri Matisse
- David Wong
- Jacqueline Novogratz
- George Herbert
- Anne Lamott
- Parker J Palmer
- Mary Oliver
- St Benedict
- John O’Donohue
- Desmond Tutu
- Hilda of Whitby
- Emery Allen
- Micah 6.8
- Ted Hughes
- Winston Churchill
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Thomas Merton
- David Allen
- John O’Donohue
- Mary Oliver
- New Zealand Prayer Book
- Category: Testimonial
- Category: Theme
- “In a car park a tanka”
- “Exploring Prayer”, a series
- The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin
- St Loye, Eloy, Éloy, Éloi, Loy, Loys, Lewis, Elius, Eligius, Eligious, Eligio or Eligiusz.
- The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin
- New ventures into poetry
- “Compline: A celebration of Ascension” in St Olave’s Church
- Green Words
- “Hope springs eternal”
- “#NoticingNature”
- National Poetry Day
- Good Money Week: how to set up a social enterprise
- “2x2xAI”
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Olave’s Church
- Absorbed in making
- Knit one Perl one
- Tax for good: Zacchaeus as social reformer
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Olave’s Church
- 15 minutes of flame
- Let us Prayerdle
- “Climate Blocks” for “Get On Board 16”
- “1×1”
- Japanese Dogwood
- “Paper Promises” for “Moths to a Flame”
- Good money after bad
- New blog on prayer and spiritual life
- Prayer and Bible reading groups
- Prayer installations
- Performance in a worship context
- “Elsewhere” in a Studio 36 publication
- #DIYLent #poetry #light #prayer
- Come dancing
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Part 9
- Working title: “The application of weather forecasting techniques to health forecasting”
- The Climate Emergency and #BlackLivesMatter
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Part 8
- Experimenting for “Moths to a Flame”
- Fracted / Emerging
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Part 7
- If you can’t make art, make a bug hotel
- Nodding donkeys
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Parts 5&6
- “2×2”
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” at the ExIST STEAMM Show
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Parts 3&4
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” is STEAMMing ahead
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Parts 1&2
- “The lady’s not for Turnip” by Victoria Cindy Feet
- Time and Tide wait…
- What do we want? Climate injustice!
- “Climate Questing in Minecraft”
- China clay in your hand
- UK Climate Projections 2018 in Lego
- A show and Lego
- Migration can kill
- “Listening to Silent Spring” at Mikrofest
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Martin’s Church
- Catching the wind
- “Angel of the SW”
- Pitch Me!
- Community Star Gazing
- “Looking slant” for Science and Belief blog
- “This world is not conclusion”
- The wisdom of foolishness
- “Elsewhere”
- “Turn IP” by The Swede
- 1D, 2D, 3D, Go!
- “Listening to Silent Spring” audio
- “Q is for Quarries”
- Are you TiCL-ish?!
- Q-Day!
- “Heavitree Stone Regular”
- I made a trail!
- Art Work
- We made a font!
- Building with the Quarry Pod
- My favourite pie charts
- What are the places that mean something to you?
- Game of Life videos
- Game of Life
- MOOCing around with Creative Coding
- “Ceci n’est pas une neep” by Meg Reet
- Roll up! Roll up to the Art Vending Machine!
- Review of “Green|Blue” on Phonic FM “Culture & Review” show
- “Dress for overcast”
- “Working with Gold” design
- Grieving the future
- Regeneration with Lynn Bailey
- Northbrook mouth to source
- Working with gold, weaving with data – talk content
- Working with gold, weaving with data
- What does it mean to be Artist in Residence, literally in residence?
- “Green|Blue” featured in the Church Times round-up of Greenbelt
- What have taxes ever done for us?
- “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- “Patterns” at St Sidwells
- Clare and Rosie go for a wander
- “Green|Blue” to show at Greenbelt
- Laying foundations with the Quarry Pod
- #ExeterClimateHope at “Think…Art”
- “Green|Blue: Future Shock” video at Fringe Arts Bath
- “Green|Blue: Exe” in “The Observatory” exhibition
- “Green|Blue” in Exeter Cathedral
- Hanging “Green|Blue” in the Chapter House
- Private Viewing at Exeter Cathedral
- “Green|Blue: Exe” at the AWEsome Art Fair
- Clare’s Open Studio
- Talk on “Green|Blue” at Pint of Science
- “Songs in the Neighbourhood”
- “Green|Blue” selected to show at Exeter University
- “Green|Blue” in the Dartington Garden Room Gallery
- “Little colouring books” in the “Kuuki” exhibition
- “Green|Blue” in the “Primordial Soup” exhibition
- Hanging “Green|Blue” at Dartington Hall
- Private viewing at Dartington
- “Green|Blue” coming to Exeter Cathedral
- Wiggle Room in the Universe
- “Green|Blue” to show at Dartington Hall
- Analysing progress on Shrinking the Footprint in Exeter Diocese
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Artist Toys” exhibition
- “One Fish, Two Fish, RGB Fish”
- Kaleider Lunchtime Talk on “Green|Blue”
- World Origami Day
- Graphical Web
- “That’s a Turnip for the Books?!”
- Notes for a small island
- Who is my neighbour? Who is your neighbour?
- “Ghost Bees” in the “Dark Art” exhibition
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at the Fun Palace
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Toying With Art” exhibition
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Greenbelt
- PechaKucha on “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- Five “Little colouring books” went to market!
- Knit your own bee
- “Ghost Bees” at Teignmouth Recycled Art in the Landscape
- Five go to the voting booth
- “Particulart: Exhausted” at Oxford Festival of Arts
- “Particulart: Greenhouse Effect” at Low Carbon Oxford Week
- “Particulart” goes to Oxfordshire part 2
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” at Exeter Phoenix
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti”: Spraying the Wall
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 3: Making the Stencils and Skills Sharing
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 2: Preparing the Wall
- “Particulart” goes to Oxfordshire part 1
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 1: Climate Science and Street Art
- Story of “Free Art Friday Exeter”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at TEDxExeter
- Press Release – “Freefall Youth Group to graffiti Phoenix with climate message during Art Week Exeter”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at WAM Fest
- What if the “Little colouring books” were really big?
- A hymn to bees
- New work: “Little colouring books”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up in Exeter Cathedral
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” video in Exeter Cathedral
- Talks and media – Exeter Pound
- Who has the wisdom?
- Talks, sermons, lectures and media – Climate and environment
- When the world acted for the good
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Relight My Fire
- “Particulart: Ozone Day”
- More tea? Yes, and do take your time
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Exeter Green Fair
- PechaKucha on “Particulart” at Greenbelt
- Knit-your-own chemistry
- “The art of knitting, chemistry, and gentle protest” for Power Culture blog
- “Energy infrastructures inhabit our interior landscapes” for Power Culture blog
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” in the Glorious Art House
- Knit-your-own carbon dioxide workshop
- Press Release – “Knitting exhibition shows climate change to be ‘Up in the Air’”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” opens on 11 July!
- “Touch:Triptych” in the Exeter Community Centre Summer Exhibition
- Talk on “Particulart” at Pint of Science
- “Knitting and other revolutionary acts”
- “Particulart 3” is go!
- “Particulart: A Stitch in Time” in Bristol Cathedral
- Didcot Power Station, art installation
- “Particulart” participating in Lent Carbon Fast
- Lecture – “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- Rainfall as blessing
- “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- Candlemas-ology
- “Particulart” in the Real Food café
- “Where have we put our treasure?”
- #BAD14 #Inequality
- “Particulart” emitted!
- “Particulart” in the Express and Echo
- Press Release – “Campaigners’ knitting exhibition reveals incinerator is not a woolly issue”
- “Particulart” launching soon
- What the frack?
- A Spirit of Our Time
- “Petroleum”
- Whatever dieting works for you
- IT, the internet and social media: implications for spirituality and the church
- Eco-theology seminars
- Zombie Apocalypse
- Ethics on hold?
- How Place Shapes Prayer
- Far more than two’s company
- In search of pseudo-sacred spaces
- Blackberrying for beginners
- “A Suburban Serenade”
- Maslow’s hierarchy
- Devon County Twouncillors
- Exeter City Twouncillors
- The quite interesting-ness of pillar boxes
- Response from Hugo Swire MP
- “I have a dream” … for Exeter Bus Station!
- An appeal to inner values
- No response from Hugo Swire MP
- Exeter Library Square
- Letter to Hugo Swire MP
- Tewlwolow Kernow
- A lane of two halves: one year on
- Site-Specific Exercises
- Wildflower whispers!
- Review of “Counter-Tourism: The Handbook”
- Digging where we stand
- As if people mattered, 40 years on
- Must. Not. Get. Sarcastic. Ach failed again.
- Nuclear – a low-carbon low-cost energy-secure future?
- Should I do the ironing?
- Thoughts on living and campaigning
- “#turnedoutgreyagain”, a Twoem
- Living the Questions at TEDxExeter 2013
- A Guardian reader in the making
- Pilgrim at the Northbrook
- Visit a mythical land – our own
- Synod and the unengaged majority
- Surname migration
- The Power of We: Congo Calling
- Peril of eating all the pie.
- Buy this
- Municipal-planting-rowan jelly
- Autumn audit
- Silent Spring
- Richard Long woz ‘ere
- Hanging out in Ludwell
- Blue, the colour of home
- Woodwater plants
- Counter-tourism memories
- Talks and workshops – Energy in church buildings
- Smash and grab
- Mythogeography – a response
- The not-knowing
- Olympic mythogeography
- Summer fruits
- Stone of St Loyes Chapel
- It’s the equality, stupid
- Heavitree quarries
- Quarry Lane
- St Loyes Chapel
- Maps
- Woodwater by night
- In the ‘burbs
- Woodwater wander
- From wood to water
- Ludwell life
- The migrants’ return
- Totnes, twinned with Narnia
- Carbon irony
- Science and heart
- Review of “Sharing Possessions”
- Solar powered data geek
- Christmas Day
- Reading to know we are not alone, part 2
- On speed
- The Big Society meets the Great Vowel Shift
- Values going viral
- Food #BAD11
- Listen intently and then get your hands dirty
- Lessons on sustainable living, with the green monks [and nuns!] of Mucknell
- Sustainability at Mucknell Abbey
- Music of the stars
- “Presence”
- Green, not grandiose
- “My soul has taken flight”
- Trialling an Environment Officer post in Exeter Diocese
- “Waiting for the Fionnphort Bus”
- Climate Change, a new prophetic ministry for Anglican Religious?
- Peer-reviewed Papers and Articles – Health
- Peer-reviewed Abstracts – Health
- Talks – Health
- Published Reports – Weather
- Published Reports – Economics
- Peer-reviewed Paper – Economics
- Category: Attentiveness
- “Exploring Prayer”, a series
- The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin
- The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin
- “Compline: A celebration of Ascension” in St Olave’s Church
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Olave’s Church
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Olave’s Church
- “1×1”
- New blog on prayer and spiritual life
- Prayer installations
- Performance in a worship context
- Prayer and Bible reading groups
- #DIYLent #poetry #light #prayer
- Come dancing
- Fracted / Emerging
- “2×2”
- China clay in your hand
- “Listening to Silent Spring” at Mikrofest
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Martin’s Church
- Catching the wind
- Community Star Gazing
- “Listening to Silent Spring” audio
- What are the places that mean something to you?
- Northbrook mouth to source
- Clare and Rosie go for a wander
- #ExeterClimateHope at “Think…Art”
- “Little colouring books” in the “Kuuki” exhibition
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Artist Toys” exhibition
- World Origami Day
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Toying With Art” exhibition
- Five “Little colouring books” went to market!
- A hymn to bees
- New work: “Little colouring books”
- More tea? Yes, and do take your time
- “Touch:Triptych” in the Exeter Community Centre Summer Exhibition
- “Knitting and other revolutionary acts”
- “Particulart” participating in Lent Carbon Fast
- Lecture – “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- Rainfall as blessing
- “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- “Particulart” in the Real Food café
- A Spirit of Our Time
- Zombie Apocalypse
- How Place Shapes Prayer
- In search of pseudo-sacred spaces
- Blackberrying for beginners
- Tewlwolow Kernow
- A lane of two halves: one year on
- Wildflower whispers!
- Digging where we stand
- “#turnedoutgreyagain”, a Twoem
- Living the Questions at TEDxExeter 2013
- Pilgrim at the Northbrook
- Autumn audit
- Silent Spring
- Blue, the colour of home
- Woodwater plants
- Summer fruits
- St Loyes Chapel
- Woodwater by night
- Woodwater wander
- From wood to water
- Ludwell life
- The migrants’ return
- Christmas Day
- Reading to know we are not alone, part 2
- “Presence”
- “My soul has taken flight”
- “Waiting for the Fionnphort Bus”
- Category: Environment
- “In a car park a tanka”
- The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin
- The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin
- Green Words
- “Hope springs eternal”
- National Poetry Day
- Good Money Week: how to set up a social enterprise
- Tax for good: Zacchaeus as social reformer
- “Climate Blocks” for “Get On Board 16”
- Japanese Dogwood
- “Paper Promises” for “Moths to a Flame”
- #DIYLent #poetry #light #prayer
- Come dancing
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Part 9
- Working title: “The application of weather forecasting techniques to health forecasting”
- The Climate Emergency and #BlackLivesMatter
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Part 8
- Experimenting for “Moths to a Flame”
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Part 7
- If you can’t make art, make a bug hotel
- Nodding donkeys
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Parts 5&6
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” at the ExIST STEAMM Show
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Parts 3&4
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” is STEAMMing ahead
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Parts 1&2
- What do we want? Climate injustice!
- “Climate Questing in Minecraft”
- China clay in your hand
- UK Climate Projections 2018 in Lego
- A show and Lego
- Migration can kill
- “Looking slant” for Science and Belief blog
- Roll up! Roll up to the Art Vending Machine!
- Review of “Green|Blue” on Phonic FM “Culture & Review” show
- “Dress for overcast”
- Grieving the future
- Northbrook mouth to source
- What does it mean to be Artist in Residence, literally in residence?
- “Green|Blue” featured in the Church Times round-up of Greenbelt
- “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- Clare and Rosie go for a wander
- “Green|Blue” to show at Greenbelt
- #ExeterClimateHope at “Think…Art”
- “Green|Blue: Future Shock” video at Fringe Arts Bath
- “Green|Blue: Exe” in “The Observatory” exhibition
- “Green|Blue” in Exeter Cathedral
- Hanging “Green|Blue” in the Chapter House
- Private Viewing at Exeter Cathedral
- “Green|Blue: Exe” at the AWEsome Art Fair
- Talk on “Green|Blue” at Pint of Science
- “Green|Blue” selected to show at Exeter University
- “Green|Blue” in the Dartington Garden Room Gallery
- “Little colouring books” in the “Kuuki” exhibition
- “Green|Blue” in the “Primordial Soup” exhibition
- Hanging “Green|Blue” at Dartington Hall
- Private viewing at Dartington
- “Green|Blue” coming to Exeter Cathedral
- Wiggle Room in the Universe
- “Green|Blue” to show at Dartington Hall
- Analysing progress on Shrinking the Footprint in Exeter Diocese
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Artist Toys” exhibition
- Kaleider Lunchtime Talk on “Green|Blue”
- “Ghost Bees” in the “Dark Art” exhibition
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at the Fun Palace
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Toying With Art” exhibition
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Greenbelt
- PechaKucha on “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- Five “Little colouring books” went to market!
- Knit your own bee
- “Ghost Bees” at Teignmouth Recycled Art in the Landscape
- “Particulart: Exhausted” at Oxford Festival of Arts
- “Particulart: Greenhouse Effect” at Low Carbon Oxford Week
- “Particulart” goes to Oxfordshire part 2
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” at Exeter Phoenix
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti”: Spraying the Wall
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 3: Making the Stencils and Skills Sharing
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 2: Preparing the Wall
- “Particulart” goes to Oxfordshire part 1
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 1: Climate Science and Street Art
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at TEDxExeter
- Press Release – “Freefall Youth Group to graffiti Phoenix with climate message during Art Week Exeter”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at WAM Fest
- What if the “Little colouring books” were really big?
- A hymn to bees
- New work: “Little colouring books”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up in Exeter Cathedral
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” video in Exeter Cathedral
- Who has the wisdom?
- Talks, sermons, lectures and media – Climate and environment
- When the world acted for the good
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Relight My Fire
- “Particulart: Ozone Day”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Exeter Green Fair
- PechaKucha on “Particulart” at Greenbelt
- “The art of knitting, chemistry, and gentle protest” for Power Culture blog
- “Energy infrastructures inhabit our interior landscapes” for Power Culture blog
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” in the Glorious Art House
- Knit-your-own carbon dioxide workshop
- Press Release – “Knitting exhibition shows climate change to be ‘Up in the Air’”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” opens on 11 July!
- Talk on “Particulart” at Pint of Science
- “Knitting and other revolutionary acts”
- “Particulart 3” is go!
- “Particulart: A Stitch in Time” in Bristol Cathedral
- Didcot Power Station, art installation
- “Particulart” participating in Lent Carbon Fast
- Lecture – “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- Rainfall as blessing
- “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- Candlemas-ology
- “Particulart” in the Real Food café
- “Where have we put our treasure?”
- “Particulart” emitted!
- “Particulart” in the Express and Echo
- Press Release – “Campaigners’ knitting exhibition reveals incinerator is not a woolly issue”
- “Particulart” launching soon
- What the frack?
- “Petroleum”
- Eco-theology seminars
- Ethics on hold?
- Blackberrying for beginners
- An appeal to inner values
- Site-Specific Exercises
- Wildflower whispers!
- Must. Not. Get. Sarcastic. Ach failed again.
- Nuclear – a low-carbon low-cost energy-secure future?
- Should I do the ironing?
- Thoughts on living and campaigning
- “#turnedoutgreyagain”, a Twoem
- Municipal-planting-rowan jelly
- Silent Spring
- Richard Long woz ‘ere
- Hanging out in Ludwell
- Blue, the colour of home
- Woodwater plants
- Talks and workshops – Energy in church buildings
- Summer fruits
- From wood to water
- Ludwell life
- The migrants’ return
- Totnes, twinned with Narnia
- Carbon irony
- Solar powered data geek
- Christmas Day
- On speed
- Values going viral
- Food #BAD11
- Listen intently and then get your hands dirty
- Lessons on sustainable living, with the green monks [and nuns!] of Mucknell
- Sustainability at Mucknell Abbey
- Music of the stars
- “Presence”
- Green, not grandiose
- “My soul has taken flight”
- Trialling an Environment Officer post in Exeter Diocese
- “Waiting for the Fionnphort Bus”
- Climate Change, a new prophetic ministry for Anglican Religious?
- Peer-reviewed Papers and Articles – Health
- Peer-reviewed Abstracts – Health
- Talks – Health
- Published Reports – Weather
- Published Reports – Economics
- Peer-reviewed Paper – Economics
- Category: Making
- Absorbed in making
- Knit one Perl one
- “Paper Promises” for “Moths to a Flame”
- Experimenting for “Moths to a Flame”
- If you can’t make art, make a bug hotel
- “Q is for Quarries”
- Are you TiCL-ish?!
- “Heavitree Stone Regular”
- I made a trail!
- We made a font!
- Roll up! Roll up to the Art Vending Machine!
- “One Fish, Two Fish, RGB Fish”
- World Origami Day
- “Ghost Bees” in the “Dark Art” exhibition
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at the Fun Palace
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Greenbelt
- PechaKucha on “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- Knit your own bee
- “Ghost Bees” at Teignmouth Recycled Art in the Landscape
- “Particulart: Exhausted” at Oxford Festival of Arts
- “Particulart: Greenhouse Effect” at Low Carbon Oxford Week
- “Particulart” goes to Oxfordshire part 2
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at TEDxExeter
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at WAM Fest
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Relight My Fire
- “Particulart: Ozone Day”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Exeter Green Fair
- PechaKucha on “Particulart” at Greenbelt
- Knit-your-own chemistry
- “The art of knitting, chemistry, and gentle protest” for Power Culture blog
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” in the Glorious Art House
- Knit-your-own carbon dioxide workshop
- Press Release – “Knitting exhibition shows climate change to be ‘Up in the Air’”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” opens on 11 July!
- “Knitting and other revolutionary acts”
- “Particulart 3” is go!
- Lecture – “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- “Particulart” in the Real Food café
- “Particulart” emitted!
- “Particulart” in the Express and Echo
- Press Release – “Campaigners’ knitting exhibition reveals incinerator is not a woolly issue”
- “Particulart” launching soon
- Municipal-planting-rowan jelly
- Category: Place
- The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin
- St Loye, Eloy, Éloy, Éloi, Loy, Loys, Lewis, Elius, Eligius, Eligious, Eligio or Eligiusz.
- The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin
- Green Words
- National Poetry Day
- Good money after bad
- “Elsewhere” in a Studio 36 publication
- Come dancing
- Fracted / Emerging
- China clay in your hand
- “Listening to Silent Spring” at Mikrofest
- Community Star Gazing
- “Elsewhere”
- “Listening to Silent Spring” audio
- “Q is for Quarries”
- Are you TiCL-ish?!
- Q-Day!
- “Heavitree Stone Regular”
- I made a trail!
- Art Work
- We made a font!
- Building with the Quarry Pod
- What are the places that mean something to you?
- “Working with Gold” design
- Regeneration with Lynn Bailey
- Northbrook mouth to source
- Working with gold, weaving with data – talk content
- Working with gold, weaving with data
- What does it mean to be Artist in Residence, literally in residence?
- Clare and Rosie go for a wander
- Laying foundations with the Quarry Pod
- Clare’s Open Studio
- “Songs in the Neighbourhood”
- Notes for a small island
- Who is my neighbour? Who is your neighbour?
- Story of “Free Art Friday Exeter”
- Talks and media – Exeter Pound
- “Energy infrastructures inhabit our interior landscapes” for Power Culture blog
- Didcot Power Station, art installation
- Zombie Apocalypse
- How Place Shapes Prayer
- In search of pseudo-sacred spaces
- Blackberrying for beginners
- “A Suburban Serenade”
- Devon County Twouncillors
- Exeter City Twouncillors
- The quite interesting-ness of pillar boxes
- “I have a dream” … for Exeter Bus Station!
- Exeter Library Square
- A lane of two halves: one year on
- Site-Specific Exercises
- Review of “Counter-Tourism: The Handbook”
- Digging where we stand
- “#turnedoutgreyagain”, a Twoem
- Pilgrim at the Northbrook
- Visit a mythical land – our own
- Surname migration
- Buy this
- Municipal-planting-rowan jelly
- Autumn audit
- Richard Long woz ‘ere
- Hanging out in Ludwell
- Woodwater plants
- Smash and grab
- The not-knowing
- Olympic mythogeography
- Summer fruits
- Stone of St Loyes Chapel
- Heavitree quarries
- Quarry Lane
- St Loyes Chapel
- Maps
- Woodwater by night
- In the ‘burbs
- Woodwater wander
- From wood to water
- Ludwell life
- Listen intently and then get your hands dirty
- Lessons on sustainable living, with the green monks [and nuns!] of Mucknell
- Category: Play
- The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin
- The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin
- New ventures into poetry
- “#NoticingNature”
- “2x2xAI”
- 15 minutes of flame
- Let us Prayerdle
- “Climate Blocks” for “Get On Board 16”
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” at the ExIST STEAMM Show
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” is STEAMMing ahead
- “The lady’s not for Turnip” by Victoria Cindy Feet
- Time and Tide wait…
- “Climate Questing in Minecraft”
- UK Climate Projections 2018 in Lego
- A show and Lego
- “Angel of the SW”
- Pitch Me!
- The wisdom of foolishness
- “Turn IP” by The Swede
- 1D, 2D, 3D, Go!
- Art Work
- My favourite pie charts
- Game of Life videos
- Game of Life
- MOOCing around with Creative Coding
- “Ceci n’est pas une neep” by Meg Reet
- “Dress for overcast”
- “Patterns” at St Sidwells
- #ExeterClimateHope at “Think…Art”
- “Little colouring books” in the “Kuuki” exhibition
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Artist Toys” exhibition
- “That’s a Turnip for the Books?!”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at the Fun Palace
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Toying With Art” exhibition
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Greenbelt
- Five “Little colouring books” went to market!
- Knit your own bee
- “Particulart: Exhausted” at Oxford Festival of Arts
- “Particulart: Greenhouse Effect” at Low Carbon Oxford Week
- Story of “Free Art Friday Exeter”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at TEDxExeter
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at WAM Fest
- New work: “Little colouring books”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Relight My Fire
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Exeter Green Fair
- Knit-your-own chemistry
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” in the Glorious Art House
- Knit-your-own carbon dioxide workshop
- Press Release – “Knitting exhibition shows climate change to be ‘Up in the Air’”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” opens on 11 July!
- Talk on “Particulart” at Pint of Science
- Zombie Apocalypse
- Review of “Counter-Tourism: The Handbook”
- Visit a mythical land – our own
- Counter-tourism memories
- Mythogeography – a response
- Olympic mythogeography
- Category: Public Engagement
- Green Words
- National Poetry Day
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” at the ExIST STEAMM Show
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” is STEAMMing ahead
- Community Star Gazing
- “This world is not conclusion”
- “Q is for Quarries”
- Are you TiCL-ish?!
- Q-Day!
- “Heavitree Stone Regular”
- I made a trail!
- Art Work
- We made a font!
- Building with the Quarry Pod
- What are the places that mean something to you?
- Roll up! Roll up to the Art Vending Machine!
- “Working with Gold” design
- Working with gold, weaving with data – talk content
- Working with gold, weaving with data
- What does it mean to be Artist in Residence, literally in residence?
- “Green|Blue” featured in the Church Times round-up of Greenbelt
- “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- Laying foundations with the Quarry Pod
- #ExeterClimateHope at “Think…Art”
- Clare’s Open Studio
- Talk on “Green|Blue” at Pint of Science
- “Songs in the Neighbourhood”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at the Fun Palace
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Greenbelt
- PechaKucha on “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- “Particulart: Exhausted” at Oxford Festival of Arts
- “Particulart: Greenhouse Effect” at Low Carbon Oxford Week
- “Particulart” goes to Oxfordshire part 2
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” at Exeter Phoenix
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti”: Spraying the Wall
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 3: Making the Stencils and Skills Sharing
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 2: Preparing the Wall
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 1: Climate Science and Street Art
- Story of “Free Art Friday Exeter”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at TEDxExeter
- Press Release – “Freefall Youth Group to graffiti Phoenix with climate message during Art Week Exeter”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at WAM Fest
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up in Exeter Cathedral
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” video in Exeter Cathedral
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Relight My Fire
- “Particulart: Ozone Day”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Exeter Green Fair
- PechaKucha on “Particulart” at Greenbelt
- “The art of knitting, chemistry, and gentle protest” for Power Culture blog
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” in the Glorious Art House
- Knit-your-own carbon dioxide workshop
- Press Release – “Knitting exhibition shows climate change to be ‘Up in the Air’”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” opens on 11 July!
- Talk on “Particulart” at Pint of Science
- “Knitting and other revolutionary acts”
- “Particulart 3” is go!
- “Particulart: A Stitch in Time” in Bristol Cathedral
- “Particulart” participating in Lent Carbon Fast
- Lecture – “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- “Particulart” in the Real Food café
- “Particulart” emitted!
- “Particulart” in the Express and Echo
- Press Release – “Campaigners’ knitting exhibition reveals incinerator is not a woolly issue”
- “Particulart” launching soon
- Far more than two’s company
- “A Suburban Serenade”
- Devon County Twouncillors
- Exeter City Twouncillors
- Peer-reviewed Papers and Articles – Health
- Peer-reviewed Abstracts – Health
- Category: Science and Data
- “Climate Blocks” for “Get On Board 16”
- Working title: “The application of weather forecasting techniques to health forecasting”
- Fracted / Emerging
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” at the ExIST STEAMM Show
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” is STEAMMing ahead
- Time and Tide wait…
- “Climate Questing in Minecraft”
- UK Climate Projections 2018 in Lego
- A show and Lego
- Migration can kill
- Community Star Gazing
- “Looking slant” for Science and Belief blog
- “This world is not conclusion”
- 1D, 2D, 3D, Go!
- Art Work
- My favourite pie charts
- What are the places that mean something to you?
- Game of Life videos
- Game of Life
- MOOCing around with Creative Coding
- Roll up! Roll up to the Art Vending Machine!
- Review of “Green|Blue” on Phonic FM “Culture & Review” show
- “Dress for overcast”
- “Working with Gold” design
- Working with gold, weaving with data – talk content
- Working with gold, weaving with data
- “Green|Blue” featured in the Church Times round-up of Greenbelt
- “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- “Patterns” at St Sidwells
- “Green|Blue” to show at Greenbelt
- #ExeterClimateHope at “Think…Art”
- “Green|Blue: Future Shock” video at Fringe Arts Bath
- “Green|Blue: Exe” in “The Observatory” exhibition
- “Green|Blue” in Exeter Cathedral
- Hanging “Green|Blue” in the Chapter House
- Private Viewing at Exeter Cathedral
- “Green|Blue: Exe” at the AWEsome Art Fair
- Talk on “Green|Blue” at Pint of Science
- “Green|Blue” selected to show at Exeter University
- “Green|Blue” in the Dartington Garden Room Gallery
- “Little colouring books” in the “Kuuki” exhibition
- “Green|Blue” in the “Primordial Soup” exhibition
- Hanging “Green|Blue” at Dartington Hall
- Private viewing at Dartington
- “Green|Blue” coming to Exeter Cathedral
- “Green|Blue” to show at Dartington Hall
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Artist Toys” exhibition
- Kaleider Lunchtime Talk on “Green|Blue”
- Graphical Web
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at the Fun Palace
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Toying With Art” exhibition
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Greenbelt
- PechaKucha on “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- Five “Little colouring books” went to market!
- Five go to the voting booth
- “Particulart: Exhausted” at Oxford Festival of Arts
- “Particulart: Greenhouse Effect” at Low Carbon Oxford Week
- “Particulart” goes to Oxfordshire part 2
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” at Exeter Phoenix
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti”: Spraying the Wall
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 3: Making the Stencils and Skills Sharing
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 2: Preparing the Wall
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 1: Climate Science and Street Art
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at TEDxExeter
- Press Release – “Freefall Youth Group to graffiti Phoenix with climate message during Art Week Exeter”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at WAM Fest
- What if the “Little colouring books” were really big?
- New work: “Little colouring books”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up in Exeter Cathedral
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” video in Exeter Cathedral
- Who has the wisdom?
- Talks, sermons, lectures and media – Climate and environment
- When the world acted for the good
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Relight My Fire
- “Particulart: Ozone Day”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Exeter Green Fair
- PechaKucha on “Particulart” at Greenbelt
- Knit-your-own chemistry
- “The art of knitting, chemistry, and gentle protest” for Power Culture blog
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” in the Glorious Art House
- Knit-your-own carbon dioxide workshop
- Press Release – “Knitting exhibition shows climate change to be ‘Up in the Air’”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” opens on 11 July!
- Talk on “Particulart” at Pint of Science
- “Knitting and other revolutionary acts”
- “Particulart 3” is go!
- “Particulart: A Stitch in Time” in Bristol Cathedral
- “Particulart” participating in Lent Carbon Fast
- Lecture – “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- “Particulart” in the Real Food café
- #BAD14 #Inequality
- “Particulart” emitted!
- “Particulart” in the Express and Echo
- Press Release – “Campaigners’ knitting exhibition reveals incinerator is not a woolly issue”
- “Particulart” launching soon
- Whatever dieting works for you
- Should I do the ironing?
- Synod and the unengaged majority
- Surname migration
- It’s the equality, stupid
- Carbon irony
- Science and heart
- Solar powered data geek
- Peer-reviewed Papers and Articles – Health
- Peer-reviewed Abstracts – Health
- Talks – Health
- Published Reports – Weather
- Published Reports – Economics
- Peer-reviewed Paper – Economics
- Category: Social Justice
- Good Money Week: how to set up a social enterprise
- Tax for good: Zacchaeus as social reformer
- Good money after bad
- Grieving the future
- What have taxes ever done for us?
- “One Fish, Two Fish, RGB Fish”
- Notes for a small island
- Talks and media – Exeter Pound
- More tea? Yes, and do take your time
- “Where have we put our treasure?”
- #BAD14 #Inequality
- A Spirit of Our Time
- IT, the internet and social media: implications for spirituality and the church
- Ethics on hold?
- Far more than two’s company
- Maslow’s hierarchy
- Response from Hugo Swire MP
- An appeal to inner values
- No response from Hugo Swire MP
- Letter to Hugo Swire MP
- As if people mattered, 40 years on
- A Guardian reader in the making
- Synod and the unengaged majority
- The Power of We: Congo Calling
- Peril of eating all the pie.
- It’s the equality, stupid
- Review of “Sharing Possessions”
- The Big Society meets the Great Vowel Shift
- Values going viral
- Category: Work
- “In a car park a tanka”
- “Made for your hand”
- “Learning to float”
- “18”
- “Entwined”
- “Exploring Prayer”, a series
- The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin
- St Loye, Eloy, Éloy, Éloi, Loy, Loys, Lewis, Elius, Eligius, Eligious, Eligio or Eligiusz.
- “How do I like thee? Let me count the ways”
- “Highways agency”
- “Think chair” poetry reading
- “Think chair” for “Get On Board 39”
- “Think chair”
- “Dramatised Mark” in Exeter Cathedral
- “Compline: A celebration of Ascension” in St Olave’s Church
- Green Words
- “Hope springs eternal”
- “#NoticingNature”
- National Poetry Day
- Good Money Week: how to set up a social enterprise
- “Living the questions” again in 2023/24
- “2x2xAI”
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Olave’s Church
- Absorbed in making
- Knit one Perl one
- Tax for good: Zacchaeus as social reformer
- “Der Luftschiffer” by Karoline von Günderrode
- “Der Panther” by Rainer Maria Rilke
- “Wandrers Nachtlied” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- “Osterspaziergang” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Olave’s Church
- Five books that have formed me
- “Climate Blocks” for “Get On Board 16”
- “1×1”
- Japanese Dogwood
- “Paper Promises” for “Moths to a Flame”
- Good money after bad
- Prayer installations
- Prayer and Bible reading groups
- Performance in a worship context
- “Elsewhere” in a Studio 36 publication
- “Live the questions now” 2020/21
- #DIYLent #poetry #light #prayer
- Come dancing
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Part 9
- Working title: “The application of weather forecasting techniques to health forecasting”
- The Climate Emergency and #BlackLivesMatter
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Part 8
- Why do I read?
- “Live the questions now” 2019/20
- Experimenting for “Moths to a Flame”
- Fracted / Emerging
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Part 7
- If you can’t make art, make a bug hotel
- Nodding donkeys
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Parts 5&6
- “2×2”
- West Barok Singers & Players
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” at the ExIST STEAMM Show
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Parts 3&4
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Parts 1&2
- “The lady’s not for Turnip” by Victoria Cindy Feet
- Time and Tide wait…
- What do we want? Climate injustice!
- “Climate Questing in Minecraft”
- China clay in your hand
- “Live the questions now” at the Wellcome Centre, Exeter
- Breaking SAD – Springwatch
- Migration can kill
- “Listening to Silent Spring” at Mikrofest
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Martin’s Church
- Catching the wind
- “Angel of the SW”
- “Looking slant” for Science and Belief blog
- “Live the questions now: control, connectedness and making conceptual art”
- “This world is not conclusion”
- The wisdom of foolishness
- “Star Spangled Kyrangle: Winter Star Lore”
- “Elsewhere”
- “The Art of Following Your Nose” at PechaKucha Dartmoor
- The horrible histories and additional alliterations of St Loyes
- “Turn IP” by The Swede
- 1D, 2D, 3D, Go!
- “Listening to Silent Spring” audio
- “Q is for Quarries”
- “The Birds of Sowton Industrial Estate”
- “Star Spangled Kyrangle: Perseids Shooting Stars”
- “Heavitree Stone Regular”
- “See Exeter by Minecraft” at the AWEsome Art Fair
- “Minecraft my home” meetup during Art Week Exeter
- 25 pints
- “Minecraft my home”
- D-Tour
- “What three words…?”
- Breaking SAD
- My favourite pie charts
- Axe-grinding and the morally compromised
- What are the places that mean something to you?
- Game of Life videos
- Game of Life
- MOOCing around with Creative Coding
- Clare goes for a bike ride
- “Working with Gold” in Digby News
- “Ceci n’est pas une neep” by Meg Reet
- “…and the Greatest of these is Love”
- Roll up! Roll up to the Art Vending Machine!
- “Dress for overcast”
- “Patterns”: a Studio 36 production
- “Working with Gold” design
- Nudge nudge
- Grieving the future
- Northbrook mouth to source
- Working with gold, weaving with data – talk content
- Working with gold, weaving with data
- What does it mean to be Artist in Residence, literally in residence?
- What have taxes ever done for us?
- Second Curve
- “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- Clare and Rosie go for a wander
- Label-free
- #ExeterClimateHope at “Think…Art”
- “Green|Blue: Future Shock” video at Fringe Arts Bath
- “Green|Blue: Exe” in “The Observatory” exhibition
- Selected work at “Makers of the Multiverse”
- To all lovers of musick, performers & scrapers!
- “Green|Blue” in Exeter Cathedral
- “Green|Blue: Exe” at the AWEsome Art Fair
- Clare’s Open Studio
- Talk on “Green|Blue” at Pint of Science
- “Songs in the Neighbourhood”
- Safety net
- Ultimate HOPE
- “Green|Blue” in the Dartington Garden Room Gallery
- Imaging HOPE
- A fortnight of HOPEful responses
- Point sources of HOPE
- “Little colouring books” in the “Kuuki” exhibition
- Audacity of HOPE
- Voices of HOPE
- HOPE and Joy
- Wiggle Room in the Universe
- Taking responsibility for our own statistics
- Introverted Leadership
- A new HOPE
- Analysing progress on Shrinking the Footprint in Exeter Diocese
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Artist Toys” exhibition
- What is Art?
- Kaleider Lunchtime Talk on “Green|Blue”
- World Origami Day
- Giving TED talks to know you’re not alone
- “That’s a Turnip for the Books?!”
- Watching TED talks to know you’re not alone
- Notes for a small island
- Who is my neighbour? Who is your neighbour?
- “Ghost Bees” in the “Dark Art” exhibition
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at the Fun Palace
- Let’s Explore…
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Toying With Art” exhibition
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Greenbelt
- PechaKucha on “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- “Ghost Bees” at Teignmouth Recycled Art in the Landscape
- Five go to the voting booth
- “Particulart: Exhausted” at Oxford Festival of Arts
- “Particulart: Greenhouse Effect” at Low Carbon Oxford Week
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” at Exeter Phoenix
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti”: Spraying the Wall
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 3: Making the Stencils and Skills Sharing
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 2: Preparing the Wall
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 1: Climate Science and Street Art
- Story of “Free Art Friday Exeter”
- God’s eye view
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at TEDxExeter
- Dream team
- Dream location
- I have a dream
- Dreamtime
- Technicolor Dreamcoats
- “Einstein’s Dreams”
- Dream world
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at WAM Fest
- Killing dreams
- A hymn to bees
- “Memories, Dreams, Reflections”
- Dream succeeds dream
- First a dream
- Living the dream
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up in Exeter Cathedral
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” video in Exeter Cathedral
- Talk – “Particulart” at Abingdon Carbon Cutters
- “O My People”
- Talks and media – Exeter Pound
- Dreams to Reality
- Who has the wisdom?
- Talks, sermons, lectures and media – Climate and environment
- When the world acted for the good
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Relight My Fire
- “Particulart: Ozone Day”
- More tea? Yes, and do take your time
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Exeter Green Fair
- PechaKucha on “Particulart” at Greenbelt
- The day I jumped out of an aeroplane
- “The art of knitting, chemistry, and gentle protest” for Power Culture blog
- “Energy infrastructures inhabit our interior landscapes” for Power Culture blog
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” in the Glorious Art House
- Knit-your-own carbon dioxide workshop
- “Touch:Triptych” in the Exeter Community Centre Summer Exhibition
- Talk on “Particulart” at Pint of Science
- “Knitting and other revolutionary acts”
- Taking the Long View: Further together
- Taking the Long View: Up the Women
- “Particulart: A Stitch in Time” in Bristol Cathedral
- Taking the Long View: If you go down to the woods today…
- Taking the Long View: Climate change and knitting
- Didcot Power Station, art installation
- Taking the Long View: The telescope
- Taking the Long View: Magna Carta
- Lecture – “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- Rainfall as blessing
- “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- Candlemas-ology
- Cultural highlights of 2014
- “Particulart” in the Real Food café
- “Where have we put our treasure?”
- Culture vulture
- BBC Bias
- #BAD14 #Inequality
- What the frack?
- A Spirit of Our Time
- “Petroleum”
- Whatever dieting works for you
- TEDxExeter 2015 – Taking the Long View
- IT, the internet and social media: implications for spirituality and the church
- Information Without Frontiers
- #AnonymousCompanies
- Research Without Frontiers
- Nature Without Frontiers
- People Without Frontiers
- Money Without Frontiers
- Eco-theology seminars
- Zombie Apocalypse
- Ethics on hold?
- How Place Shapes Prayer
- Far more than two’s company
- In search of pseudo-sacred spaces
- Blackberrying for beginners
- “A Suburban Serenade”
- Maslow’s hierarchy
- Devon County Twouncillors
- Exeter City Twouncillors
- The quite interesting-ness of pillar boxes
- Response from Hugo Swire MP
- The questions will always be with us
- “I have a dream” … for Exeter Bus Station!
- An appeal to inner values
- No response from Hugo Swire MP
- Exeter Library Square
- Letter to Hugo Swire MP
- Tewlwolow Kernow
- A lane of two halves: one year on
- Site-Specific Exercises
- Wildflower whispers!
- Review of “Counter-Tourism: The Handbook”
- Digging where we stand
- As if people mattered, 40 years on
- Must. Not. Get. Sarcastic. Ach failed again.
- Nuclear – a low-carbon low-cost energy-secure future?
- Should I do the ironing?
- Thoughts on living and campaigning
- “#turnedoutgreyagain”, a Twoem
- Living the Questions at TEDxExeter 2013
- LtQ: If you could ask a stranger any question, what would it be?
- A Guardian reader in the making
- Pilgrim at the Northbrook
- Living the Questions: How’s it going?
- Visit a mythical land – our own
- LtQ: What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Living the Questions: Where am I?
- LtQ: What if the Hokey Cokey really IS what it’s all about?
- Living the Questions: Fancy a pint?
- Living the Questions: Who ate all the pie?
- LtQ: Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
- Living the Questions: What are we missing?
- Living the Questions: Why is the sky blue?
- Living the Questions: Who am I?
- “Gaudete”
- Synod and the unengaged majority
- Surname migration
- The Power of We: Congo Calling
- Peril of eating all the pie.
- Buy this
- Municipal-planting-rowan jelly
- Autumn audit
- Silent Spring
- Richard Long woz ‘ere
- Hanging out in Ludwell
- Blue, the colour of home
- Woodwater plants
- Counter-tourism memories
- Talks and workshops – Energy in church buildings
- Smash and grab
- Mythogeography – a response
- The not-knowing
- Olympic mythogeography
- Summer fruits
- Stone of St Loyes Chapel
- It’s the equality, stupid
- Heavitree quarries
- Mythogeography
- Quarry Lane
- St Loyes Chapel
- Maps
- Schrödinger’s Lazarus
- Woodwater by night
- In the ‘burbs
- Woodwater wander
- From wood to water
- Ludwell life
- Dear Reader
- Sonic branding and the Daily Office
- A fresh way to share good ideas
- The migrants’ return
- Games people play (continued)
- Games people play
- Totnes, twinned with Narnia
- Carbon irony
- Science and heart
- Sustainable Exeter
- Go on
- Review of “Sharing Possessions”
- A voluntary for volunteering
- Harnessing crowds for energy
- Two’s company, three’s their source of crowd-funding
- Streetbank-wise
- Solar powered data geek
- Both a lender and a borrower be *
- Sharing a lift
- I’ll do it, but only if you do it too
- If I ran the world…
- Interconnected Exeter
- Growing together, closer to home
- Growing together
- LETS do it!
- Sharing stuff and working together
- Christmas Day
- Reading to know we are not alone, part 2
- Reading to know we are not alone, part 1
- On speed
- The Big Society meets the Great Vowel Shift
- Values going viral
- Food #BAD11
- Welcome to my new blog
- Listen intently and then get your hands dirty
- Lessons on sustainable living, with the green monks [and nuns!] of Mucknell
- Sustainability at Mucknell Abbey
- Music of the stars
- “Presence”
- Green, not grandiose
- “My soul has taken flight”
- Trialling an Environment Officer post in Exeter Diocese
- “Waiting for the Fionnphort Bus”
- Climate Change, a new prophetic ministry for Anglican Religious?
- Oh, my anguish, my anguish!
- Peer-reviewed Papers and Articles – Health
- Peer-reviewed Abstracts – Health
- Talks – Health
- Published Reports – Weather
- Published Reports – Economics
- Peer-reviewed Paper – Economics
- Category: Academia
- “Living the questions” again in 2023/24
- “Live the questions now” 2020/21
- Working title: “The application of weather forecasting techniques to health forecasting”
- “Live the questions now” 2019/20
- “Live the questions now: control, connectedness and making conceptual art”
- Let’s Explore…
- Eco-theology seminars
- Peer-reviewed Papers and Articles – Health
- Peer-reviewed Abstracts – Health
- Peer-reviewed Paper – Economics
- Category: Blog
- “In a car park a tanka”
- “Hope springs eternal”
- National Poetry Day
- Absorbed in making
- Knit one Perl one
- “Der Luftschiffer” by Karoline von Günderrode
- “Der Panther” by Rainer Maria Rilke
- “Wandrers Nachtlied” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- “Osterspaziergang” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Five books that have formed me
- Japanese Dogwood
- Come dancing
- Why do I read?
- If you can’t make art, make a bug hotel
- Nodding donkeys
- Time and Tide wait…
- What do we want? Climate injustice!
- China clay in your hand
- Breaking SAD – Springwatch
- Migration can kill
- Catching the wind
- The wisdom of foolishness
- The horrible histories and additional alliterations of St Loyes
- 1D, 2D, 3D, Go!
- 25 pints
- D-Tour
- Breaking SAD
- My favourite pie charts
- Axe-grinding and the morally compromised
- What are the places that mean something to you?
- Game of Life videos
- Game of Life
- MOOCing around with Creative Coding
- Clare goes for a bike ride
- “Working with Gold” design
- Nudge nudge
- Grieving the future
- Northbrook mouth to source
- What have taxes ever done for us?
- Second Curve
- Clare and Rosie go for a wander
- Safety net
- Ultimate HOPE
- Imaging HOPE
- A fortnight of HOPEful responses
- Point sources of HOPE
- Audacity of HOPE
- Voices of HOPE
- HOPE and Joy
- Taking responsibility for our own statistics
- Introverted Leadership
- A new HOPE
- World Origami Day
- Giving TED talks to know you’re not alone
- Watching TED talks to know you’re not alone
- Who is my neighbour? Who is your neighbour?
- Five go to the voting booth
- Story of “Free Art Friday Exeter”
- God’s eye view
- Dream team
- Dream location
- I have a dream
- Dreamtime
- Technicolor Dreamcoats
- “Einstein’s Dreams”
- Dream world
- Killing dreams
- “Memories, Dreams, Reflections”
- Dream succeeds dream
- First a dream
- Living the dream
- Dreams to Reality
- The day I jumped out of an aeroplane
- Taking the Long View: Further together
- Taking the Long View: Up the Women
- Taking the Long View: If you go down to the woods today…
- Taking the Long View: Climate change and knitting
- Didcot Power Station, art installation
- Taking the Long View: The telescope
- Taking the Long View: Magna Carta
- Rainfall as blessing
- “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- Candlemas-ology
- “Where have we put our treasure?”
- Culture vulture
- BBC Bias
- #BAD14 #Inequality
- “Petroleum”
- Whatever dieting works for you
- TEDxExeter 2015 – Taking the Long View
- Information Without Frontiers
- #AnonymousCompanies
- Research Without Frontiers
- Nature Without Frontiers
- People Without Frontiers
- Money Without Frontiers
- Zombie Apocalypse
- In search of pseudo-sacred spaces
- Maslow’s hierarchy
- Devon County Twouncillors
- Exeter City Twouncillors
- The quite interesting-ness of pillar boxes
- Response from Hugo Swire MP
- The questions will always be with us
- “I have a dream” … for Exeter Bus Station!
- No response from Hugo Swire MP
- Exeter Library Square
- Letter to Hugo Swire MP
- Tewlwolow Kernow
- A lane of two halves: one year on
- Site-Specific Exercises
- Wildflower whispers!
- Must. Not. Get. Sarcastic. Ach failed again.
- Nuclear – a low-carbon low-cost energy-secure future?
- Should I do the ironing?
- Thoughts on living and campaigning
- “#turnedoutgreyagain”, a Twoem
- Living the Questions at TEDxExeter 2013
- LtQ: If you could ask a stranger any question, what would it be?
- A Guardian reader in the making
- Pilgrim at the Northbrook
- Living the Questions: How’s it going?
- LtQ: What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Living the Questions: Where am I?
- LtQ: What if the Hokey Cokey really IS what it’s all about?
- Living the Questions: Fancy a pint?
- Living the Questions: Who ate all the pie?
- LtQ: Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
- Living the Questions: What are we missing?
- Living the Questions: Why is the sky blue?
- Living the Questions: Who am I?
- Synod and the unengaged majority
- Surname migration
- The Power of We: Congo Calling
- Buy this
- Municipal-planting-rowan jelly
- Autumn audit
- Silent Spring
- Richard Long woz ‘ere
- Hanging out in Ludwell
- Blue, the colour of home
- Woodwater plants
- Counter-tourism memories
- Smash and grab
- Mythogeography – a response
- The not-knowing
- Olympic mythogeography
- Summer fruits
- Stone of St Loyes Chapel
- Heavitree quarries
- Mythogeography
- Quarry Lane
- St Loyes Chapel
- Maps
- Schrödinger’s Lazarus
- Woodwater by night
- In the ‘burbs
- Woodwater wander
- From wood to water
- Ludwell life
- Dear Reader
- Sonic branding and the Daily Office
- The migrants’ return
- Games people play (continued)
- Games people play
- Totnes, twinned with Narnia
- Carbon irony
- Science and heart
- Sustainable Exeter
- Go on
- A voluntary for volunteering
- Harnessing crowds for energy
- Two’s company, three’s their source of crowd-funding
- Streetbank-wise
- Solar powered data geek
- Both a lender and a borrower be *
- Sharing a lift
- I’ll do it, but only if you do it too
- If I ran the world…
- Interconnected Exeter
- Growing together, closer to home
- Growing together
- LETS do it!
- Sharing stuff and working together
- Christmas Day
- Reading to know we are not alone, part 2
- Reading to know we are not alone, part 1
- On speed
- The Big Society meets the Great Vowel Shift
- Values going viral
- Food #BAD11
- Welcome to my new blog
- Music of the stars
- “My soul has taken flight”
- Oh, my anguish, my anguish!
- Category: Consultancy
- Category: Exhibition/Installation
- “Think chair” for “Get On Board 39”
- “#NoticingNature”
- “2x2xAI”
- “Climate Blocks” for “Get On Board 16”
- “1×1”
- “Paper Promises” for “Moths to a Flame”
- Prayer installations
- Experimenting for “Moths to a Flame”
- Fracted / Emerging
- “2×2”
- “Minecraft Climate Quest” at the ExIST STEAMM Show
- “The lady’s not for Turnip” by Victoria Cindy Feet
- “Climate Questing in Minecraft”
- “Live the questions now” at the Wellcome Centre, Exeter
- “Listening to Silent Spring” at Mikrofest
- “Angel of the SW”
- “Elsewhere”
- “Turn IP” by The Swede
- “Listening to Silent Spring” audio
- “Q is for Quarries”
- “Heavitree Stone Regular”
- “See Exeter by Minecraft” at the AWEsome Art Fair
- “Minecraft my home”
- “What three words…?”
- “Ceci n’est pas une neep” by Meg Reet
- Roll up! Roll up to the Art Vending Machine!
- “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- “Green|Blue: Future Shock” video at Fringe Arts Bath
- “Green|Blue: Exe” in “The Observatory” exhibition
- Selected work at “Makers of the Multiverse”
- “Green|Blue” in Exeter Cathedral
- “Green|Blue: Exe” at the AWEsome Art Fair
- Clare’s Open Studio
- “Green|Blue” in the Dartington Garden Room Gallery
- “Little colouring books” in the “Kuuki” exhibition
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Artist Toys” exhibition
- “That’s a Turnip for the Books?!”
- “Ghost Bees” in the “Dark Art” exhibition
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at the Fun Palace
- “Little colouring book: Winter Blues” in the “Toying With Art” exhibition
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Greenbelt
- “Ghost Bees” at Teignmouth Recycled Art in the Landscape
- “Particulart: Exhausted” at Oxford Festival of Arts
- “Particulart: Greenhouse Effect” at Low Carbon Oxford Week
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” at Exeter Phoenix
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at TEDxExeter
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at WAM Fest
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up in Exeter Cathedral
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” video in Exeter Cathedral
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Relight My Fire
- “Particulart: Ozone Day”
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” pop-up at Exeter Green Fair
- “Particulart: Up in the Air” in the Glorious Art House
- “Touch:Triptych” in the Exeter Community Centre Summer Exhibition
- “Particulart: A Stitch in Time” in Bristol Cathedral
- “Particulart” in the Real Food café
- Category: Performance/Event
- “Think chair” poetry reading
- “Dramatised Mark” in Exeter Cathedral
- “Compline: A celebration of Ascension” in St Olave’s Church
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Olave’s Church
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Olave’s Church
- Performance in a worship context
- #DIYLent #poetry #light #prayer
- West Barok Singers & Players
- “Compline: A contemplative journey through Lent” in St Martin’s Church
- “This world is not conclusion”
- “Star Spangled Kyrangle: Winter Star Lore”
- “The Birds of Sowton Industrial Estate”
- “Star Spangled Kyrangle: Perseids Shooting Stars”
- “Patterns”: a Studio 36 production
- To all lovers of musick, performers & scrapers!
- “Songs in the Neighbourhood”
- “A Suburban Serenade”
- Category: Published Writing
- “Made for your hand”
- “Learning to float”
- “18”
- “Entwined”
- “Exploring Prayer”, a series
- The Depth and Breadth of Kith and Kin
- St Loye, Eloy, Éloy, Éloi, Loy, Loys, Lewis, Elius, Eligius, Eligious, Eligio or Eligiusz.
- “How do I like thee? Let me count the ways”
- “Highways agency”
- “Think chair”
- Green Words
- Good Money Week: how to set up a social enterprise
- Tax for good: Zacchaeus as social reformer
- Good money after bad
- “Elsewhere” in a Studio 36 publication
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Part 9
- The Climate Emergency and #BlackLivesMatter
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Part 8
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Part 7
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Parts 5&6
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Parts 3&4
- What can I do about the Climate Emergency? Parts 1&2
- “Looking slant” for Science and Belief blog
- “Working with Gold” in Digby News
- Label-free
- Wiggle Room in the Universe
- What is Art?
- Notes for a small island
- A hymn to bees
- When the world acted for the good
- More tea? Yes, and do take your time
- “The art of knitting, chemistry, and gentle protest” for Power Culture blog
- “Energy infrastructures inhabit our interior landscapes” for Power Culture blog
- “Knitting and other revolutionary acts”
- Cultural highlights of 2014
- What the frack?
- A Spirit of Our Time
- Ethics on hold?
- How Place Shapes Prayer
- Far more than two’s company
- Blackberrying for beginners
- An appeal to inner values
- Review of “Counter-Tourism: The Handbook”
- Digging where we stand
- As if people mattered, 40 years on
- Visit a mythical land – our own
- Peril of eating all the pie.
- It’s the equality, stupid
- A fresh way to share good ideas
- Review of “Sharing Possessions”
- Listen intently and then get your hands dirty
- Lessons on sustainable living, with the green monks [and nuns!] of Mucknell
- “Presence”
- Green, not grandiose
- “Waiting for the Fionnphort Bus”
- Climate Change, a new prophetic ministry for Anglican Religious?
- Category: Recording
- Category: Talk/Workshop
- Prayer and Bible reading groups
- “The Art of Following Your Nose” at PechaKucha Dartmoor
- “Minecraft my home” meetup during Art Week Exeter
- “Dress for overcast”
- Working with gold, weaving with data – talk content
- Working with gold, weaving with data
- What does it mean to be Artist in Residence, literally in residence?
- #ExeterClimateHope at “Think…Art”
- Talk on “Green|Blue” at Pint of Science
- Kaleider Lunchtime Talk on “Green|Blue”
- PechaKucha on “Green|Blue” at Greenbelt
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti”: Spraying the Wall
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 3: Making the Stencils and Skills Sharing
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 2: Preparing the Wall
- “Freefall Climate Graffiti” Workshop 1: Climate Science and Street Art
- Talk – “Particulart” at Abingdon Carbon Cutters
- Talks and media – Exeter Pound
- Who has the wisdom?
- Talks, sermons, lectures and media – Climate and environment
- PechaKucha on “Particulart” at Greenbelt
- Knit-your-own carbon dioxide workshop
- Talk on “Particulart” at Pint of Science
- Lecture – “Particulart, or the art of knitting, chemistry, meditation and gentle protest”
- IT, the internet and social media: implications for spirituality and the church
- Talks and workshops – Energy in church buildings
- Talks – Health