Recording “The Way of Love”

I’m just about to start a second evening of recording another CD with Antiphon. This one is of music by the contemporary composer Michael Walsh.

Yesterday we got down “The Way of Love”, a choral suite setting a series of poems by Rupert Brooke. After many rehearsals in the booming Song School, it was wonderful to sing with orchestra in the open space of the Cathedral crossing, and hear the music how it should be heard.

Tonight it’s the turn of Walsh’s Requiem Mass, accompanied by organ. So the choir are now milling around the Cathedral crossing, while John and Mark of Willowhayne Records are putting the finishing touches to the microphones. We have an evening of hard but enriching work in prospect.

Then tomorrow we’ll be recording an unaccompanied Mass setting, so will return to the exalted acoustic of the Lady Chapel, where we recorded our first disc “O My People“.