Playing with Exeter City Futures

Last night I finally met Minecraft!

Exeter City Futures held their first meetup, looking into crafting Exeter’s future in Minecraft with open data. There were plenty of experts there… Chris Gutteridge demonstrated his Geocraft tool, which can generate Minecraft maps of real locations using UK LIDAR data (laser scans of terrain) and information from OpenStreetMap. Jargonautical showed her project nurturing Minecraft bees in Plymouth. And a 10-year old presented a new concert hall for Exeter.

The 10-year-old it was who gave me my first Minecraft lesson, still in my hi-vis cycling gear.

I was there with the idea of creating UK Climate Projection maps in Minecraft. I left with the idea of creating and reimaging St Loyes in Minecraft.

Exeter City Futures also had posters on the walls about their “Tranquil City Exeter” project. Another little something to piggyback on for Working with Gold!