Pattern – Bonds


Download this pattern as a pdf

See also the patterns for the atoms and the number and colours of atoms and bonds needed for each particle.

Double knit
3.75mm DPNS

Pattern – joining two atoms of the same colour

Cast on 4 sts, leaving a 20 cm tail
Knit i-cord for 16 rows
Cast off i-cord, leaving a 20 cm tail

Pattern – joining two different colour atoms

Cast on 4 sts, leaving a 20 cm tail
Knit i-cord for 8 rows
Knit 1 stitch i-cord, join the second colour and knit the rest of the row
Knit i-cord for 7 rows
Cast off i-cord, leaving a 20 cm tail

Knot the tails of the two colours at the join.
Thread each tail in turn onto a needle, pass through the cord of the same colour, cut so ends stay inside.
Work the knot inside the cord, and the stitches so they even out.


Thread each 20cm tail onto a needle and sew the bond onto the atom.
Pass remaining tail through atom, cut so ends stay inside.

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