Experimenting for “Moths to a Flame”

“Great Oak Beauty”
Oak gall ink on paper, 148mm x 105mm
22 June 2020

The amazingly creative Chloe Uden from the Art and Energy collective has used lockdown in all sorts of creative ways. Now she has made oak gall ink, and is using it to draw moths… and has potted it up and sent it out to all sorts of other people. So this is my first ever attempt at watercolour – the ink seems to behave how I imagine watercolour behaves – reproducing a Great Oak Beauty moth.

And I also had a play around on a couple of cheap and tiny fake canvases that I had in a drawer, just to see how the ink took and what happened.


Oak gall ink on fake canvas
70mm x 70mm

Moths to a Flame kit

Oak gall ink on fake canvas
70mm x 70mm