I’m delighted that Exeter City Council have agreed to part-fund “Working with Gold”. The money is a Grass Roots Grant, which comes from the Community Infrastructure Levy. This is a planning charge imposed on development, which is used to pay for infrastructure to support that development. In early 2015, Exeter City Council decided that the ‘Neighbourhood’ proportion of the Levy should be spent on developing and implementing a community strategy. The Grass Roots Grants include a number of different programmes which will all contribute towards the goals of the Community Strategy.
I’m basically really grateful for the Council’s support… thank you.
Another part of the ‘Neighbourhood’ proportion is being used to fund a number of Community Builder posts across Exeter, and Digby Community Association have applied for one. My plan is to work with the Community Builder, who will hopefully be appointed before the end of the year.
I’ve been working on applying to other sources of funding which will enable me to deliver a full programme of work in 2018. I am hopeful, but I won’t know exactly what I’ll be able to do until I hear the results of these applications.
Watch this space!