Time for a word about Digby Community Association. They’re an active body in the Digby neighbourhood, the part of the St Loyes ward defined by the boundaries of Sidmouth Road, Russell Way and Rydon Lane. According to their Constitution, DCA’s aims are “to promote, uphold and protect the interests of residents; to bring to the notice of relevant authorities or bodies matters which affect the interests of the residents and where applicable keep the membership informed; to support and promote social and benevolent activities for the general benefit of residents, and fund-raise in support of these activities when required.”
In past years they’ve kindly supported my mad-cap safari concerts, providing the bank account that allowed me to apply for a Ward grant from my local councillors.
In July this year, I attended one of their quarterly meetings to speak about “Working with Gold”, and asked them about the possibility of being an Artist in Residence. I was shaping my early ideas about the project, and this was when I found out about the possibility of working with a Community Builder, to be appointed. [link to ECC]
By the end of July, we had an agreement in place, and the relationship has been very helpful in demonstrating community support for “Working with Gold”.
Thank you DCA for your support. I hope we can have fun with art together!