10 October is World Mental Health Day. During the preceding two weeks I practised Noticing Nature from the Greater Good in Action website.
10 October is World Mental Health Day. During the preceding two weeks I practised Noticing Nature from the Greater Good in Action website.
Artificial imagination of two trees in the style of
Studies of colour, form and pattern that are below, around and above me.
“Elsewhere”, my piece of St Loy Cornwall washed up in St Loyes Exeter, has found a small niche as part of Studio 36’s second COVID publication.
#ice #crystals #fractals #window #sky #monastery #gate #bars #tunnel #amphitheatre #grass #bowl #blue #green #light #dark #2×2 #patterns
Studies of form and pattern, inside and out, natural and artifical, found and artefact.
This was an opportunity for me to pilot my latest work, with some interesting outcomes and lessons!!
I’m looking forward to piloting “Minecraft Climate Quest” at the ExIST STEAMM Show, an interactive exhibition of commercial, research and creative projects from the south west which combine arts, sciences and technology.
In which the UK Climate Projections 2018 meet Minecraft and “The Warlock of Firetop Mountain”.
Set on a high point within Ludwell Valley Park, Exeter, the Angel’s weathered steel reflects the rust-red warmth of the local stone. It serves as a focus and an anchor, helping to tether us and give us a sense of place in an ephemeral and rapidly changing world.
It took several days to create a sand painting of the Compact Muon Solenoid at CERN, laboriously piling grains of sand one on another. Then soon after completion it was destroyed.
Not far from Land’s End, there is a small south-facing bay comprising St Loy’s Cove and Paynter’s Cove. Not many years ago, storms washed up a large chunk of metal onto the top of the beach. Now, it has been resettled to the M5 Services at Junction 30.
“Listening to Silent Spring” is a piece of sound art, based on a listening walk around east Exeter on the 50th anniversary of publication of “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson. The sounds I noted became the script for the piece. The work is mostly silence, which allows the listener to become aware of their own ambient soundtrack.
“Q is for Quarries” is an A-Z trail that allows people to discover the distinctive Heavitree Stone used to build the red skeleton of Exeter.
Steven Bramble designed the alphabet. I turned it into the font used on all the Heavitree Quarry Trails outputs. I’ve made it available to download it for your own use too.
“Minecraft my home” is a re-creation of St Loyes as a world in the Minecraft game. The Minecraft world lets residents explore their neighbourhood in a new way and imagine new possibilities for it.
What three words…? is an online tool that captures in a simple way what places mean to people. It is aimed at encouraging people to pay attention to place. Between January and March 2018, I used it as a way of gathering insights into people’s views of St Loyes as a place to live and/or work.
Released on Ozone Day 2015, knitted representations of the three main stratospheric ozone depletion equations: the breakdown of CFC-11 in sunlight releasing a chlorine atom, and the cycle of ozone destruction catalysed by this chlorine.
An experiment in a geo-located poem, August 2010.
For the time being, this is a collection of three kinds of work. Some I have not (yet) made, but presented as though I have. Some are internet-only works, or best distributed over the internet. And some I have made, but not yet sent forth into the world.