This week I’ve been doing a tiny bit of press for Prayerdle.
On Thursday 17th, Angela Kalwaites of BBC Radio Devon interviewed me for the Breakfast show broadcast on the morning of Sunday 20th February. I spoke about how the game works and how it can be used in prayer.
On Wednesday 23rd I was at the Christian Resources Exhibition to give a short workshop about and using Prayerdle. We spent a few minutes of silence reflecting on the day’s word, and the participants shared some really lovely insights into how it spoke to them and their Christian life.
Then on Thursday 24th, I chatted with Ruth O’Reilly-Smith about Prayerdle and prayer as relationship, live on UCB Radio 2. It’s great that Prayerdle is reaching across these different Christian audiences.
Postscript: Both the BBC and UCB shows asked me to choose a piece of music that speaks of prayer or to my Christian journey. I got the impression that this is usually a chorus, so my offering was something different for the listeners. For the BBC I chose Mozart’s setting of Laudate Dominum and I would have used it for UCB too but they didn’t have access. So instead I suggested O Thou Who Camest from Above: “confirm my heart’s desire / to work, and speak, and think for thee”.